Published December 30. 2022 01:45PM
by Terry Ahner
Just in time for the holiday season, the Lehighton Police Department has received a shiny new toy.
After much anticipation, the department took over possession of its new 2022 Ford Police SUV Thursday morning.
Borough police Chief Joe Sparich said the vehicle is street ready and a welcome addition that brings its fleet to five, the oldest of which is a 2015.
“It’s nice now when a car goes down for repairs, it further equips the department to do the job,” Sparich said. “Everyone’s glad that it’s here.”
In January, borough council on a 4-0 vote at a special meeting agreed to purchase the vehicle in the amount of $49,387 from Rottet Motors Inc./Kovatch. The car was purchased through CO-STARS.
As part of the purchase, council agreed to take out a three-year term from Mauch Chunk Trust Company at an interest rate of 1.1%.
Additionally, council agreed to spend $12,800 on the down payment from this year’s general fund.
That leaves a total balance of $36,588.
Lehighton Borough Police Chief Joe Sparich shown by the police department's new 2022 Ford Police SUV. The department took over possession of the vehicle Thursday morning. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
Pictured next to the Lehighton Police Department's new 2022 Ford Police SUV are, from left, Detective Matt Arner, police Chief Joe Sparich, and officer Joel Gulla. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS