Eldred Thrift Shop racks up holiday sales
There were many points to cover regarding the Thrift Shop in Eldred Township at the supervisors meeting last Wednesday night.
First the good news.
Donna Deihl, the manager of the thrift shop at the Eldred Township Community Center, said the kids’ event at the center was a success. They had 120 children shop for gifts for their parents.
“That was real successful,” she said, and thanked everyone who helped.
Deihl said that the center recently made $5,200 in sales in one month. The money goes to the township.
Then the rest.
Deihl said the center is in need of another garbage dumpster.
Supervisor Scott Clark asked her if a larger dumpster, than what they have right now, would work.
He said one large dumpster may cost the township less money than two smaller dumpsters.
Ann Velopolcek, township secretary, is going to look into the price difference. The supervisors approved the best option that does not go over $500 per month.
The supervisors also approved to allow the thrift shop to use the former constable room and another room for storage until the township comes up with a solution about storage.
Deihl said the thrift shop is also in need of a new cash register. They can only do cash transactions and have talked about getting a new cash register that can handle credit card transactions.
After some discussion, Deihl agreed to research cash registers and get back to the supervisors.
Gary Hoffman, the chairman of the supervisors, had a report of his own. Hoffman said two vendors discovered black mold in two of the modulars. The mold is at different stages of growth.
The supervisors decided to have the modular locked to keep volunteers and customers out. It will cost about $8,000 to remediate the mold, said Jonathan Gula, the supervisor of the Public Works Department.
Supervisor Blaine Silfies said the remediation companies will not come in and remove the mold until the roof is repaired.
Gula added that one used a moisture meter and found a significant amount of moisture in the ceiling of modular three.
“So there is an active leak,” he said.
The portable closest to the gym was dry though, Gula said.
Hoffman said that before they do anything, they need to contact the insurance company to determine what will be covered.