Published December 22. 2022 01:16PM
St. Jerome Regional School in Tamaqua announced the December Christians of the Month. The Christian of the Month Award recognizes students who display good character on a consistent basis and serve as student role models throughout the month. This month’s award recipients are Jordan Miller, preschool; Bradley Sanzi, kindergarten blue; Brenna Slane, kindergarten gold; Levi Kresge, first grade gold; Miranda Hartz, first grade blue; Brynn Hannis-Miskar, second grade blue; Katerina Kirk, second grade gold and missing from photo; Kameron Kohler, third grade gold; Landen Yanett, third grade blue; Rebecca Wippel, fourth grade missing from photo; Evrett Angelo, fifth grade; Gia Decosmo, sixth grade; Gabriel Mattrazzo, seventh grade; and Maddy Davis, eighth grade. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
St. Jerome December Christians of the Month St. Jerome Regional School in Tamaqua announced the December Christians of the Month. The Christian of the Month Award recognizes students who display good character on a consistent basis and serve as role models throughout the month. This month's award recipients are: Jordan Miller, preschool; Bradley Sanzi, kindergarten blue; Brenna Slane, kindergarten gold; Levi Kresge, first grade gold; Miranda Hartz, first grade blue; Brynn Hannis-Miskar, second grade blue; Katerina Kirk, second grade gold and missing from photo; Kameron Kohler, third grade gold; Landen Yanett, third grade blue; Rebecca Wippel, fourth grade missing from photo; Evrett Angelo, fifth grade; Gia Decosmo, sixth grade; Gabriel Mattrazzo, seventh grade; and Maddy Davis, eighth grade. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO