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Schuylkill County Commissioners

Schuylkill County commissioners approved these agenda items at a public meeting Wednesday.

• A contract with M&L Associates for technical and consulting services for the Community Develop Block Grant program for 2023 and 2024. The contract will cover the county as well as Butler Township, Minersville, Pine Grove Township, Schuylkill Haven, Shenandoah, Tamaqua, Wayne Township and West Penn Township. The total cost is $87,400.

• The county to enter into a lease with Steve and Ann Buzalko for about 2,450 square feet of office space at 2020 West Norwegian St. at a cost of $13.47/square foot per year, which is $2,750/month. The lease begins on April 1, 2023 and ends on March 31, 2028.

• For the county to enter into a lease with Matt Direnzo for approximately 1,600 square feet of office space at 315 N. Centre St., suite 301b, at a cost of $12.75/square foot per year, which is $1,700/month. The lease begins on Jan. 1, 2023 and ends on Dec. 31, 2026.

• Approved and authorized the settlement of the objection to the upset sale assessed to Ruedas Onh Llc, 216 N. Gilbert St., Ashland. The sale will be set aside upon payment of $8,000 to the bidder, Montella Rosario, by the assessed owner and satisfaction of delinquent taxes owed by the assessed owner.