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Woman’s Club of Slatington honors two

The Woman’s Club of Slatington announces that Northern Lehigh High School senior Kendall Snyder of Walnutport has been chosen as its Girl of the Month for November.

Kendall is the daughter of David Snyder and Jen and Paul Warnken.

Her activities include secretary of the Leo Lions Club, officer of SADD Club, Student Council, and winter/spring track and field.

She is a student in the Emerging Health Professionals program. Her plans include attending a four-year university to major in a branch of science. She plans to pursue a career in the forensics field.

The also announces that Northern Lehigh High School senior Caitlin Kirk of Slatington has been chosen as its Girl of the Month for December.

Caitlin is the daughter of Jessica and Robert Kirk.

Her activities include sports writer and photographer for The Slate, Leo Lions, National Honor Society Treasurer, varsity girls soccer, and track and field.

In her free time, she loves karate and has trained for 14 years, achieving her 3rd-degree adult black belt. Her plans include obtaining a master’s degree in chemical engineering to pursue a career in a lab environment.
