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Meet student columnists from Carbon schools

Isabel Wentz

Editor’s note: The Carbon County Student Column is debuting today. Each week, students from Jim Thorpe, Lehighton, Palmerton, Panther Valley, Weatherly and Carbon Career & Technical Institute will be submitting information on activities, awards and the happenings at their respective schools. The column is being coordinated by Sue Ann Gerhard of Carbon Career & Technical Institute.

Meet the columnists:


Hello, my name is Isabel Wentz, I come from Lehighton and am currently a 10th grader.

At CCTI, I major in graphic design and this is my second year.

I am a member of the Newspaper club and also SADD/Aevidum. During the week in my free time, I usually play video games, play with my dog (Cooper,) or practice photography. I also participate in a bowling league during the winter.

Jim Thorpe

My name is Madison Bukics and I am 18 years old. I am a senior at Jim Thorpe Area High School. I would say I am a very dedicated, kind and independent individual, who likes to get things done to the best of my ability. I currently play softball, and I finished my last year in marching band after being a part of it for five years now. I used to participate in History Club and FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America). I plan on attending college to become a nurse, specifically working in the oncology portion of the medical network.

Hi! I’m Kaylee Tate, and I’m a sophomore at Jim Thorpe High School. Along with writing on my own time, I participate in my school’s History club, Spanish club, mock trial team, and have an active role with the literary newspaper.


My name is Josiah Kimmel and I’m currently a senior at Lehighton Area High School. I’m very excited to share lots of upcoming news from our school in the coming editions.

Aside from this new “Times News correspondent” role, I also am a student school board representative, senior class president, reporter for the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), stage crew manager, and a member of Aevidum, a mental health advocacy group. Outside of school, I volunteer at the new St. Luke’s-Carbon Campus, I’m a board member for the Dylan and Gavin’s Rainbow foundation, and work as a manager in the illustrious fast-food industry of Lehighton. After high school, I wish to attend a four-year university with a degree in human physiology, then go on to medical school and train to be a general surgeon.

I believe this is a great opportunity for me to showcase news, events, and announcements from the school, as well as an opportunity for you, the readers, and community members, to hear about what’s going on within our school. I hope we can generate more community engagement with our school, as well as the other schools here in Carbon County. My partner Gabriella Di Dea and I (who is also my partner as a student board rep) welcome you all to read about LAHS in our upcoming weekly editions!

My name is Gabriella Di Dea and I am a senior at Lehighton Area High School. I’m so excited to start this amazing opportunity of writing in our local newspaper as a Times News correspondent! I think that this experience will prepare me immensely as I plan to major in journalism and communications at a four-year university to become a journalist.

Aside from this new role that I will be taking on, I am a member of Aevidum (a mental health advocacy group), a part of the varsity and competitive Cheerleading team at the high school, a member of chorus, Drama Club, and show choir. I am a member-at-large in Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), president of the National Honor Society (NHS), vice president of Student Council, and a student school board representative along with Josiah Kimmel.

I volunteer at the Lehighton Elementary Center Good News Club every week and work at Corner Cone during their season. As I mentioned before, I am so excited to begin this endeavor as it will provide me with experience for my future career. I hope that as a community, we are all able to interact more through this new section and learn among each other about all of the happenings in not only our area, but in surrounding areas as well!


My name is Natalie Mosier and I am a senior at Palmerton Area High School. In school, I have been captain of the cross country team for the past four years. In total, I’ve been involved in cross country for five years. I have also been a state qualifier for the past four years, as well. I am a member of the National Honor Society where we volunteer as integral members of the community. We have volunteered at elementary schools and local 5Ks. We also help around the school, which includes tutoring younger students in the high school. I am also the president of the Carbon County 4-H livestock club. People ages 8-18 raise livestock in which we show and sell every August. My projects include dairy, beef, market steer and dairy cows.

Hello, my name is Kira Hauser and I am a senior at Palmerton Area High School. I have been involved in Palmerton’s field hockey program for six years and was a captain this past season. I am also a part of many clubs including Leo Club acting as treasurer, National Honor Society, Environmental Club, Student Council and FBLA. Out of school, I participate in Girl Scouts, community volunteering and club field hockey. Most of these activities include being involved in the community and helping those around me.

Panther Valley

My name is River Knoblauch and I am a senior of the Panther Valley JSHS. I’m a member and editor of Paw Prints, our school newspaper. Being a member and secretary of the NHS, including a member of track and field team, Harmony Scholars, and the Student Council, I’m excited to have this opportunity to collaborate with the Times News, and have a platform to share the new upcoming events and announcements of my school and its students.

Hello! My name is Kyle Lin and as a senior of Panther Valley Jr/Sr High School, I am excited for the future of this student column. I am an editor for our school newspaper, Paw Prints, along with being the NHS president, member of track and field and wrestling teams, Chess Club, Scholastic Scrimmage and Harmony Scholars. I believe that this is a great opportunity for our students to share what they are passionate about and am glad Times News is making this possible!


Hi, my name is Michael Berger. I’m a member of the class of 2023 at Weatherly Area High School, where I serve as class president. Some school organizations I partake in are Teens Against Tobacco Use, SGA, National Honor Society and FBLA where I am also president. I am a captain of the Weatherly cross country team and also a member of the basketball and track teams. I am a school board student representative for Weatherly Area. Outside of school, I spend my time working on my family farm. Some of my hobbies are hunting, fishing, and riding my dirt bike. I am excited to be able to spread the news on what is happening within the Weatherly School District.

Hi, I’m Kelly Michaels, a senior at Weatherly Area High School. I serve as president of the Kindness Club and Student Government Association; captain of the volleyball, softball, and cheer teams; vice president of the Interact Club and the Weatherly chapter of the National Honor Society, and I am also a member of the Health Career Clubs, chorus, Science Olympiad and Enviro-Thon teams. Outside of school, I enjoy working at Ashley Furniture and hanging out with my family and friends. I’m so excited to have this opportunity to share what’s going on in our Weatherly Area High School with our audience.