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Schuylkill agrees to 911 contract

Schuylkill County commissioners on Wednesday approved a $57,727 contract with a Florida firm to manage a software program for the 911 Communications Center.

The contract is with INFOR Emergency Systems, Tampa.

The company will provide software and support for the 24X7 - 365 software.

In other emergency related actions, commissioners also approved a $86,119 Emergency Management Performance grant agreement for fiscal year 2022.

The grant provides federal funds through the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency to cover the salaries and benefits of the approved positions of emergency coordinator and the operations and training officer in the county Emergency Management Agency. Commissioners also approved the fiscal year 2022 Homeland Security grant program agreement in the amount of $1,209,043 for the South-Central Task Force, which includes Schuylkill, Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, and York counties, with Dauphin acting as the fiscal agent.

The agreement runs from retroactively from Sept. 1 through Aug. 31, 2025. The funds will be used to support planning, organization, equipment, maintenance, training, and exercise needs to oppose acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events.