Published December 09. 2022 01:45PM
CWU yearly event
Church Women United of Monroe County held its annual Christmas covered dish luncheon with 35 persons in attendance. Pastor Zimran Khan and CWU president, Marlene Maula, welcomed everyone.
The J.M. Hill 4th grade chorus sang Christmas carols.
The 14th annual CWU Margaret Wyckoff Wells award was presented to Maggie DellaFera from Shawnee Presbyterian Church for her outstanding dedication to her church and community.
Over 265 filled Christmas stockings were collected to be given out at a later date to area organizations.
New officers for 2023 will be Linda Worthington from Church of the Mountain, president: and Ann Negvesky from St. Maximilian Kolbe, treasurer.
Hospice volunteers
The Lehigh Valley Hospice-Pocono in East Stroudsburg is currently taking applications for its next Hospice Volunteer Training Program. Anyone who would like to make a difference in someone’s life, and in their own, may participate in this volunteer opportunity.
For information about this program and other volunteer opportunities as well, contact Tammy Hiestand, Volunteer Coordinator at: at 484.241.5186.
Jeans needed
VALOR, at Paul’s House, at the intersection of Rts. 534 and Jonas Road, is in need of jeans. They should be new or gently used, with no rips or tears. Also needed are new socks and new underwear.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or or the Times News at 800-443-0377 or