Published November 22. 2022 01:45PM
District Deputy President Ashley R. Guscott recently installed officers of the Lady Harmony Rebekeh Lodge #86, Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Tamaqua.
The officers are: Nobel Grand (President) Julie Stokes, Vice President Katie Arnold, Secretary Jennifer Swett and Treasurer PNG Nicole B. Inama.
Stokes’ theme for the year is “Hope and Kindness” and her goal is to add two new members in 2022.
The Lady Harmony Rebekah Lodge #86 was started in 2010 and has been going strong ever since. The group recently held a rummage sale which raised $1,000 for the Odd Fellows Cemetery of Tamaqua. Members continue to help many other local organizations.
The Rebekah Lodge along with its Odd Fellows counterpart, Harmony Lodge #86, had a float in the Tamaqua Halloween parade and are selling cookbooks to benefit the Lodge.
The Lady Harmony Rebekah Lodge #86 meets the first and third Wednesdays of every month at 6:30 p.m. at Harmony Hall in the Odd Fellows Cemetery.
Membership is open to anyone over the age of 16 who believes in a supreme being.
For more information visit the Facebook page at “IOOF Harmony and Lady Harmony Lodge Tamaqua PA.”
Officers of Lady Harmony Rebekah Lodge #86 Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Tamaqua were recently installed by District Deputy President Ashley R. Guscott. Shown here, sitting from left, are: Secretary Jennifer Swett and Treasurer PNG Nicole B. Inama. At back are Vice President Katie Arnold, Guscott and Noble Grand Julie Stokes. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO