Published November 18. 2022 11:50AM
Bruce Frassinelli’s column on today’s teachers was excellent. As a retired teacher with 40 years of experience in the Parkland and Pleasant Valley districts, I definitely remember “the good, old days.” We used to spend our prep periods correcting papers, working on grades, or preparing lessons.
Now, we have to waste our time on SLO (Student Learning Objectives) tests, self evaluation busy work online, communicating with a minimum of 5 parents per work, and watching online hours and hours of “district training” videos, dealing with suicide prevention, allergies, epi pens, and handling hazardous materials.
Teachers do not mind doing school work on the weekends, in the evening, or even in the summer. It’s simply part of the job. But at what expense? What will those bureaucratic pinheads think of next.
The last thing teachers need is someone in either Washington, D.C., Harrisburg, or elsewhere, with very little or no experience in the classroom telling us what to do.
We don’t want to be mental health advocates or medical workers. Please. just let us teach!! We’re in “the trenches.” We know what’s going on.
Permit us to do our jobs!
Richard Ochs