Who is right? Can we make any sense of it?
This is my response to a column I read recently. It contained a lot of interesting questions, all of which can be answered.
For one to believe something we must know everything about it. That is the only way we can form an opinion.
Our journey to the truth begins with the Holy Bible, that was given to us by God himself to be a guide as to how we conduct ourselves and live this short temporary life, and also prepares us for our final eternal destination.
This statement could be an opinion or a fact. We must study the Bible and use our own minds to find the truth. The Bible was written over a period of roughly 1,600 years by 40 some different writers (very few knew each other).
Many great evangelists who have devoted their whole lives to the study of the Bible all will agree that there is not one contradiction to be found. If there was just one it would prove the Bible to be invalid.
The writers all said that what they were writing was inspired by God himself, not from their own minds. One subject that separates the Bible from any other book in the world is prophesy (predicting the future).
The prophesies are detailed and precise. Many times they are hundred and even thousands of years in advance, and without exception, they are fulfilled to the smallest detail. The prophesy about the end times will be exactly fulfilled just like the rest.
There are over 300 prophesies fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ along, written thousand of years before he was born. Where he would be born (Micah 5:2), how he would be born (Isaiah 7:14), and how he would die (Psalm 34:20).
The life death and ministry of Jesus is documented history that was seen by a huge number of eyewitnesses. The disciples were so convinced that they devoted the rest of their lives spreading the gospel, knowing it would cost them their lives.
Everyone was put to death except John who was exiled to the Island of Patmos where he wrote the final book of the Bible called Revelation. People don’t put their lives on the line because of a lie.
An interesting fact - In Isaiah 40:22 is says “it is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth.”
We thought the earth was flat until the 1500s when Magellan sailed around the world. How did Isaiah know this more than 2,000 years ago? This is just one of the many facts that were foretold.
The Bible has been attacked unlike anything in history. It has been burned, it has been condemned, it has been banned. It has survived the onslaught of countries, of kings, of men who devoted their whole life to destroying it. Through thousands of years of vicious attack, it not only has survived, but as Napoleon said, “It has conquered all that face it.”
The Dead Sea Scrolls prove the truth of the Bible. They were discovered by a Bedouin shepherd in 1947. We know through carbon dating that they were written hundreds of years before Jesus was born.
When translated from Hebrew it was found that the message is remarkably the same as what we are reading today in our Bible. Many unbelieving archaeologists use the Bible when they are looking for ruins because it is so historically accurate.
All world religions teach a form of salvation which is based on what a person must do to gain God’s favor. There are over a thousand religions in the world, but Christianity is the only one that provides salvation to the sinner as a free gift that cannot be earned.
Ephesians 2:8-9 says for by grace are ye saved through faith: and not of yourselves: it is a gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast. It is freely given to all who will turn to God and believe that his son Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and after three days rose from the dead.
Romans 10:9 says “that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” This is the plan of salvation (being born again) that the Bible talks about continually. (I Peter 1:23) say the Bible is the word of God which liveth and abideth forever.
Christianity is the only religion in the world that has absolute proof that it is even true.
The best way to become a Christian is to try to prove it wrong. No one has ever been able to do that. Many highly intelligent atheists have tried and failed. We Christians have a calling to defend our religion and our God, and we are so blessed to have a manual to guide us, The Holy Bible.
People need to know that we have a hope for our eternal destination, but God gave us free will, we have to make a choice. When we take our last breath our decision has been made.