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Why do some have to be so critical?

I would like to say that there have been many meaningful letters to the editor that I would love to respond to many of them. But! I would have to sign up for a Facebook account. Well I will never do social media and I feel this is unfair to many that do not have social media accounts.

I see constant criticizing to anyone that is not supporting a Democrat theme. Joe Biden’s climate change initiative for example.

One poster is heavily critical and attacks every person who has a letter published in favor of Republicans.

As an Independent, I find this distasteful in the least. Does this person need to do the Democrats cheerleading almost every few days?

I enjoy the varied opinions but I hate the backlash of the same person over and over.

I would hope the Times News would make it easier for people to post. But at this time it is not uniform or monitored.

I would love to add I enjoyed Terrence Watto comment on Oct. 1, 2022.

We all have our opinions but when you need to repeatedly attack a person for their comment it gets redundant you tend to give the impression of being unsophisticated.

Thank you for letting me state my thoughts.

Celeste Bybel

Summit Hill