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Polk environmental day deals with the elements

Despite Sunday’s windy, rainy weather, the Polk Township Environmental Education Day drew a crowd of vendors and visitors.

“A good amount of people came through already to check out the organizations and activities. There is a group of kids enjoying kicking the soccer balls around the grass,” said Robert Butler, chairman of the Polk Township Parks and Recreation Commission.

Strong gusts of wind in the morning made setup difficult, said Nancy Wright, vice president of the commission.

Aria Oxenreider, 8, and Lucas Schuler, 2, petted some chickens and watched them moving around their fenced petting zoo area before going over to check out the face painting tent.

Participants included Monroe County 4-H, Western Pocono Community Library, Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center, Monroe County Conservation District, Snyder’s Orchard and Smale’s Farm Store.

“I think the event is going well considering the weather. It is nice to see the community out and about having a good time,” said Gus Randazzo, who works at Smale’s Farm Store and was handing out sunflowers.

The store had a stand with items such as bird feed and chicken waterers for sale, as well as donated some of the pumpkins in the pumpkin patch area, where each kid could take home a free pumpkin.

Attendees had the opportunity to sample some freshly pressed apple cider. The commission borrowed a cider press from Chestnuthill Township.

“We just put the apples in, turn the wheel, put the wooden board on to push down the apples and pull out the cork on the bottom to release the cider into this jug,” said Katie Frankunas, an event volunteer who made the cider with Tasha Anthony, a commission member.

Shortly before 2 p.m., staff from the Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center showed the crowd gathered under the pavilion nine animals, including turtles and snakes, that are native to Pennsylvania but cannot go back to living in the wild.

Aria Oxenreider, 8, and Lucas Schuler, 2, check out the chickens from Smale's Farm Store during Sunday's event at the Polk Township Walking Park. STACI L. GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Tasha Anthony, a Polk Township Parks and Recreation Commission member, and Katie Frankunas, an event volunteer, use a cider press borrowed from Chestnuthill Township to make fresh apple cider during Sunday's event.