Eldred Twp. residents discuss Village Square plans
There’s an old saying that “too many cooks spoil the broth.” Eldred Township has a lot of well-intentioned cooks, and most of them came out to the supervisors meeting on Wednesday night.
Former and current members of the parks and recreation committee voiced their opinions regarding plans for the Village Square and the reasons why they don’t see eye-to-eye.
The Village Square is considered to be a small section of land near the Kunkletown General Store on Kunkletown Road. It includes a house owned by the township and the Stone Arch Bridge. It is where the center of town many years ago.
At the meeting, some former and current members of the parks and recreation committee laid out their reasons for the plans to be done professionally.
On the other side of the debate are current members of the parks and recreation committee who created their own plans for the outdoor space.
Dieter Metzger, on behalf of former parks and recreation committee member Lydia Boilleau, read her letter to the supervisors.
“I know the current committee has very talented and motivated individuals working on this project, however because of the nature of the project, the scope of the work involved to include slopes, wetlands, drainage, trees, building, structure, and the much debated parking, I feel strongly a professional is necessary to ensure all bases covered correctly.”
Annette Heist, a current member of the recreation committee, said she thought the plans were to present a rough sketch of ideas to a professional landscaper, and have that person create the final plan.
“Our committee works hard, but with every meeting it feels like we’re moving closer and closer to a DIY project done piecemeal with little input from the public,” she said.
Heist is fine with some of the physical work being done in house when possible, but thinks having professionals handle the project will prevent “costly mistakes.”
Gary Hoffman, the chairman of the supervisors, said Hanover Engineering was present at a meeting where the Village Square was discussed, but they have not done any plans. The company is contracted with the township as its engineer.
“Nothing is saying that once the plan is finalized that it wouldn’t go to Hanover for final comment, but Hanover is expensive and we’re trying to be frugal,” he said. “The design of what you see today was done by the committee members and members of the community. I don’t know what’s wrong with that. You’re getting public input and you have some expertise in residents. Utilize that resource.”
Hoffman said he doesn’t want to spend a lot of money to hire professionals to do all of the work and have nothing left to actually build it.
Some residents commented that original ideas had been discarded. Hoffman said nothing has been decided at this time, and any ideas should be forwarded them to the parks and recreation committee.
“I think it would be counterproductive for this board to sit here and start torpedoing things just because somebody brings it up. We did not approve any plan,” Hoffman said.
The supervisors have asked the committee to get some estimates for larger projects in order to budget for them. Hoffman said that nothing that has been suggested for the Village Square has been put out for a bid.