Published September 17. 2022 08:43AM
Carbon County Fair President Malinda Fox welcomes Morgan Myers, Junior Miss, and Kiersten Gursky, Fair Queen, to their first fair board meeting since being crowned. Both young ladies presented a speech to the fair board, entitled, “Why come to my fair?” during the fair’s board meeting on Sept. 12. Gursky will compete in the January 2023 PSACF Fair Queen contest in Hershey. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Carbon County Fair President Malinda Fox welcomes Morgan Myers, Junior Miss and Kiersten Gursky, 2022-2023 Fair Queen, to their first fair board meeting since being crowned. Both young ladies presented a speech to the fair board, entitled, “Why come to my fair?” during the fair's board meeting held Sept.12. Gursky will compete in the January 2023 PSACF Fair Queen contest in Hershey. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO