Published September 15. 2022 10:55AM
Weisstock, the borough’s new Labor Day festival, was a success and will get even better.
Jennifer Ketchledge, a member of the Weissport Event Committee and Borough Secretary, told council, “We are planning on doing it next year. But, they are starting a new committee, the Weisstock Committee.”
The committee will include one representative from St. Peter’s Community Resource Center and one from the Weissport Event Committee.
Ketchledge, borough secretary, will serve as the borough’s representative.
Other volunteers will be sought to join the committee.
This year, both groups had specific responsibilities and received profits from select events and vendors; next year the work and profits will be split 50/50 between St. Peter’s and the Event Committee.
“We plan to do more with it ... more entertainment, more vendors, more food, things like that,” Ketchledge said.
Anyone interested in joining the committee can contact the borough office at 610-377-5606. They plan to start meeting next month.
Next year’s event will be Sept. 1 and 2, 2023, Labor Day Weekend.
Collecting payments
Council President Arland Moyer said this week that 22 residents had past-due garbage bills that need to be collected. Most are from this year, but some up to 2 years old.
Solicitor Gregory Mousseau recommended that before sending them to the magistrate, to send a dunning letter to each of them, advising them that if they do not pay the bills, they will incur additional fees and penalties and give them a chance to make payment arrangements.