Bowmanstown street projects near completion
The street projects in Bowmanstown are almost finished. Here is an update on the projects.
Craig Street: Final project walk through was conducted Aug. 17 with representatives from Lehigh Asphalt, the borough, and the water authority. With a final change order to balance unused quantities and asphalt price adjustment of $8,655.11, the final recommendation for payment is $270,114.55.
White Street HOP Inlets: The pre-construction meeting with PennDOT, Lehigh Asphalt, the borough and water authority Aug. 17. Construction for replacement of the inlets was Aug. 22-30. The final wearing course will be placed once approval for paving material is received from PennDOT.
Lime Street: The road was paved from Sander Street for approximately 750 feet in August. A final project walk through was conducted with Lehigh Asphalt, the borough and the water authority on Aug. 17. Final project closeout audit was done by a PennDOT representative on Aug. 26. Recommendation for final payment was $44,063.13, which includes a $1,044.81 change order for asphalt price adjustment. A resident at the borough council meeting pointed out two sink holes on Lime Street that need attention. Council wastewater operator Chris Bixler said he is checking on them.
Ore Street: Asphalt Maintenance Solutions placed the bituminous seal coat on Ore Street on Aug. 12. The contractor will schedule a date to sweep any excess stones, and then will submit final payment application.
Various ADA Ramp Project: Final project walk through was done Aug. 17 with representatives from Lehigh Asphalt, the borough and the county. The final ramp was completed Aug. 30, leaving only painting of the cross walks at Ore and Lime streets to complete the physical work. The county notified the borough Aug. 26 that it will pay the additional project funds of $3,526.00. Final payment application will be reviewed by the engineer when submitted by Lehigh Asphalt and forwarded to the county for payment.