Letter: Abortion law fallout
Currently 14 states have no abortion exception for incest or rape. Stone-cold heartless, forcing pregnancy, adding more savagery and the loss of female humanity.
According to Nature, there was an amicus brief to SCOTUS with over 500 signatures from scientists, public health and reproductive researchers and from over 100 economists.
Medical professionals are furious and stunned. There are serious medical diagnoses and medical consequences that have not been thought through, and the horror stories are already piling up.
There will be a sickening, legal untangling fiasco and the death of females because of government interference into medicine.
In June, Fortune published “The end of Roe will cause chaos, and financial disaster for many women.” Especially when the wealthy and hedge fund firms all across our country have been buying up properties with cash the last couple of years. Now more than ever, millions of Americans cannot afford the higher rents and increasing cost of real estate.
Sexism, misogyny, sexual violence, cultural and religious shaming are used in order to control omen, and now contraception. In July, in Pennsylvania all Republicans except Brian Fitzpatrick voted “nay” on H.R. 8373 the “Right to Contraception Act.” Kelly voted present. All Democrats voted “Yea”
Most men think they are superior and that they have the right to dominate women. Male supremacy operates at the expense of women and it is multilayered through out our society.
It is so easy for people in power who live in the Ivory Tower and are hidden from the every day sacrifices and life experience of others. The callous Republican ideology is maltreating females and they are unaware or do not care.
The so called party of freedom who use their religious dogma against a female’s right to control her own body and her life. Conservatism is not about freedom, it is about “their” idea of freedom and their radical fascist minority movement should be a wake up call to all.
Debra Becker
RN Retired