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Palmerton news for Sept. 1, 2022

Faith Alive Church

Faith Alive Church, 678 Pine St., Palmerton (Bowmanstown), holds two services each Sunday with Pastor Rob Timlin. At 8:30 a.m. is the contemporary service followed by Sunday school for all ages at 9:45 a.m. and then traditional service at 11 a.m. You can worship in person or in the parking lot by tuning the radio station to 104.3 FM or Facebook Live.

Every Wednesday at 7 p.m. is prayer and praise.

Events for September:

• Sept. 6 at 2 p.m. is Prayer Shawl Ministry. The group is starting to supply prayer shawls to Cedarbrook.

• Sept. 11 are special services at 8:30, 9:45 and 11 a.m. called “Back to Church Sunday.” For more details of the morning events look on the church website.

• Sept. 11 and 25 at 6 p.m. is impact Youth Group for youth ages 12 years to 12th grade. All youth are welcome.

• Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. is Church Council Meeting.

• Sept. 15 is deadline to sign up for Fall Ladies Luncheon scheduled for Oct. 1 starting at 10:30 a.m. There will be music by Gethsemane Ministries and speaker, Dorene Shannon.

September Missions:

• September Mission of the month is to Samaritan’s Purse. It’s a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. They help victims of war, poverty, natural disasters and famine.

• ABC Food Pantry is our own pantry that is available for those in need. Please contact the church office if you are in a need for help or if you want to donate food or monetary gifts to help replenish our supplies.

• Micah’s Backpack Program is into it’s 11th year serving the needs of needy students in the Palmerton School District. Check the church website for the food list if you would like to donate to the wonderful mission.

For more information about Faith Alive, please look at the website or call the church office at 610-852-2805.


Jerusalem United Church of Christ, 545 Church Drive, Trachsville, holds Sunday worship service in the picnic grove at 9 a.m. You can also remain in your vehicle in the parking lot and listen to the service on radio station 95.5 or watch live on Facebook. The service is also posted on the website after the service has concluded.

Supply Pastor Don Quayle has blessed JUCC with his inspirational messages for almost two years. He was a wonderful addition to our church family and will be dearly missed. Pastor Quayle’s last day ministering with up will be Sept. 4. All members are invited to join us for worship at 9 a.m. and then light refreshments after the service.

Sept. 4 will also be Holy Communion.

The church’s next event will be their “Happy Bowl” stand at the Palmerton Community Festival, Sept. 9, 10 and 11. This includes chicken barbecue and homemade filling and gravy.

Holy Trinity Lutheran

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 502 Lafayette Ave., Palmerton, will hold worship on Sunday at 10:15 a.m. If you plan to attend, call the church office at 610-826-2525. It you are unable to attend in person, you may join on Zoom. Communion will be served. Please remember to bring food items for the CACPAC food pantry.

The community festival is Sept. 9, 10 and 11. This year Holy Trinity will be selling molasses tongue cookies, mini cheesecakes and mint tea. There are sign-up sheets in the narthex for baking and working in the stand.

Basket raffle

The annual Palmerton Area Library basket raffle will run until Sept. 10. Drawing will be Sept. 12. The raffle will include a variety of baskets contributed by the library board.

Persian donut sale

Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 500 Church Drive, Trachsville, (located off Route 209 behind the Towamensing Fire Co.) is holding a Persian donut sale and all orders are due by Sept. 11. Pick up donuts at the church on Sept. 22 from 9-11 a.m. To order call 610-681-5200 (church office), 610-681-5020 or 610-681-5403.

Fall basket social

Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Trachsville, will also be holding a basket social on Oct. 1 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. They will have theme baskets, raffle, and bake sale. $25 will be hidden in three baskets.

Food items will be available for purchase including barbecue, homemade soups, filling, etc.

Palmerton borough

A new stop sign has been designated at the intersection of Third Street and Lafayette Avenue. Please be alert to the fact that vehicles traveling north from Delaware Avenue no longer have the right of way to proceed through the intersection at Lafayette Avenue without stopping.

Palmerton Library

The Palmerton Area Library will be closed Sept. 3 and Sept. 4 for Labor Day.

Palmerton Library Children’s Activities

Story Time Fridays at 10:30 a.m. in the Children’s Room starting Sept. 9.

Library “Shell”ter Adopt a reading buddy shell at the library this month. Each shell has a special name. Stop by the “shell”ter to take one home and read to it every day.

Palmerton Library Teen Activities

Mural Hunt: Can you identify the book that goes with each picture and symbol on the basement stairwell mural? Each symbol represents a book or book series in the teen collection.

Come test your knowledge and enter a drawing for a pair of wireless ear buds. Mural challenges are the week of Sept. 12. Stop by the front desk for a clue sheet.

Drawing is on Sept.19.

Contact Lenora Robertson at 610-349-2436, lj123@ptd.net or 664 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA, 18071. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.