Letter to the editor: The big lie and new normal
At the age of 79, it is hard to believe what I see as I witness the intentional destruction of a long-lost lifestyle, the Constitution and America.
America today is not the America of yesteryear in many ways. Under the guise of the words “liberal” and “progress” virtually anything and everything is now accepted as the “new normal.”
I am all for improvements and I applaud the wonderful opportunities brought to the world through technology and medicine. What I am not open to is accepting the premise that even if technology and medicine are destructive, it is OK to proceed because that represents progress.
When evaluating progress, the bottom line should always be: Is this in the best interests of humanity? Hitler’s chief propagandist said, “If you tell a big lie often enough, then people will believe it.”
If we open our eyes and mind and observe events all over the world, we see past next week and next month. Corrupt governments worldwide have placed shackles on freedom-loving people for decades using technology and medicine as two of their weapons of choice.
The “big lie” is accepted as truth when evil governments force loss of life and freedom all over the globe. People the world over are pushing back on medical tyranny and destruction of freedoms. Observe the truckers caravan in Canada, the farmers revolt in the Netherlands, the removal of a tyrannical government in Sri Lanka, and yes, the outcry against the 2020 election in America.
When authority figures push the “big lie” and justice becomes injustice and law becomes lawlessness; people will rebel. Witness citizen actions in Italy, France, many South American countries and even China.
Using cognitive dissonance, Americans remain mostly complacent. Many do not see the handwriting on the wall and believe America is immune to civil disorder.
As the “big lies” of government are uncovered and truth is revealed, America (home of the brave) will undergo a medical and technological transformation. When that happens, progress will occur not at the expense of life and freedoms, but rather at the expansion of honest governments and a “new normal” that will result in life preserved and freedoms restored.
Terrence Watto