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Local marching bands finish summer practices

Before a band puts on a well-executed halftime show during the fall, it must practice in the summer heat.

Local high school marching bands are wrapping up their summer practices. Students spent more than six hours per day in scorching temperatures memorizing the steps they need to know for their performances.

“They have to pull together, work together as a group,” said Mark Beltz, band director for Tamaqua Area High School.

Marching bands have to memorize the music and “drill” - their movements on the field - for three to four new songs each year. Unlike a concert band, there is no sheet music when it comes time to perform.

They’re expected to show up knowing the music, so during the two-week band camp they can focus more on moving as a band.

Bands practice on parking lots that are lined to look like the football field. At the beginning of camp, they have markings on the ground telling them where to line up during each song. By the end, they need to know them without any assistance.

Tamaqua’s band camp went so well that they were able to go home early on Friday.

“We worked our butts off, now we’re just working on it being perfect,” said Kelsey Lusch, a sophomore Tamaqua band member.

Many of the musicians are also involved in sports and other activities. That means the bands have to be done with their practices by the time fall sports begin. That means they have to play through the heat of the middle of the summer. This year in particular was one of the hottest band camps in years.

“We’ve had some pretty hot days where you feel the heat off the blacktop,” said Eric Flowers, Jim Thorpe Area School District band director.

It pays off when they take the field on a football Friday, or during a band competition. They get to see the crowd react to the songs that they’ve put in numerous hours preparing.

“The energy is something you can never forget,” said Madison Buckics, senior captain of the Jim Thorpe color guard.

Jim Thorpe band members prepare their halftime routine during band camp. CHRIS REBER/TIMES NEWS
Kelsey Lusch plays mellophone during Tamaqua's band camp.
Tamaqua band member Will Behun takes part in band camp.