Softball game benefits Franklin Athletic Association
The seventh annual Franklin Township Old-Timers Benefit Softball Game was held Saturday, at Christman Field. The Old-Timers game is a benefit game that this year was held to raise funds for the Franklin Township Athletic Association to make necessary repairs and improvements to the concession stand.
Don Rehrig, one of the coordinators of the game, explained the Old-Timers game.
“The girls program goes from T-ball up to the 16 and under team. After age 16 they can’t play any more, so the ones 18 and older come back and play the benefit game with us. Girls 18 years or older that have played through the system can come back and play.”
“We have a basket auction,” Rehrig said, “and we will be holding 50/50 drawings during the game. And all of the food for the food stand was donated, so all the money from food sales goes right to the fundraiser.”
“Thanks to the Franklin Township Athletic Association for allowing us to use their field and stands,” Rehrig said.
Rehrig led the opening ceremony with girls from both teams, plus volunteers Jeff Smith, Ted Garrison, Wayne Wentz and Ron Steigerwalt. The Rev. Cliff Eckhart of Blue Mountain Community Church led the prayer, and, his wife, the Rev. Jennifer Eckhart, sang the national anthem.
The first pitch was thrown by Wentz, a volunteer for over 36 years with the Franklin Township Athletic Association, 25 of those years as a coach. Wentz’s wife, Sharon, helped form the first auxiliary.
Len Hardy was the game’s umpire, and Ron Beltz was the announcer.
Those who wish to make a donation may contact Rehrig at 610-377-5607 or 610-762-9518; Jeff Smith at 610-577-6486; or Tiffany Snyder at 610-762-7974.