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Where we live: The world around us

Since school let out, my husband and I have tried to keep our kids’ boredom at bay - and screen time to a minimum - with educational field trips to various sites around the area.

So far, we visited the Lehigh Valley Zoo; Martin Guitar Factory; Woodstock Museum in Bethel, New York; Steamtown; the Electric City Aquarium; Crystal Caves and most recently, the No. 9 Mine Museum.

Our goal was to teach the children about the region they live in while also making memories as a family.

It was funny to see how the kids’ attitudes changed with each adventure.

The day would always start with both children looking at us like we had four heads and saying, “That doesn’t sound like fun.” I think that response was mainly because they didn’t understand how immersing yourself in something is so much cooler than sitting on a tablet watching a video about it.

But, by the end of each trip, the excited chatter and smiles on each of their faces showed just how much they got from the day.

They learned about how guitars are made and it piqued Logan’s interest in the instrument.

That knowledge helped as they learned about Woodstock and how it shaped a generation.

They learned about stalactites and stalagmites and how crystals are formed.

They realized just how cold it is in a mine and how hard previous generations in the Coal Region worked to make a barely livable wage.

So far we can say, these adventures, while relatively close to home, are a real eye opener for the kids on the world around them, because they didn’t know just how rich in history the area that they lived in was.

We have been looking for our next adventures and this is where I ask for your help. Where do you like to go for an educational tour that is fun for families?

On our upcoming list includes the Yuengling brewery tour, Knoebel’s and possibly Lancaster.

Other possibilities are also Harrisburg and Gettysburg.

So tell me, where do you like to visit to learn about the area around you?

We’re ready for our next adventure!