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Towamensing residents voice concerns over Beltzville

The Towamensing Board of Supervisors heard concerns Thursday night from residents about Beltzville State Park.

During public comments residents expressed concern with the road conditions due to so many cars surrounding Beltzville State Park on weekends.

Kirk Wesco, a resident for 36 years, said that the park is “overwhelmed with people scrambling to find a place to park.”

He said cars have pulled into his driveway and people were “nasty” to his wife. Residents expressed concern about emergency vehicles being able to get in or a resident’s ability to get out to a hospital in an emergency.

Supervisors responded that they are well aware of the problems and unfortunately it is a state issue. The suggestion was made that residents band together to bring their concerns to local representatives and legislators.

Ben Monk, park director for the past two years, shared that over the last several years park attendance has actually dropped although “residents’ concerns are warranted.”

New signs on the turnpike and Route 80 indicate when the park is at capacity. Once the park reaches capacity, even if cars leave, no additional vehicles are let in.

Neither the park nor township have the manpower to issue citations for the number of people drinking, illegally parking or other reckless behavior.

Guy Seifert, board president, said the board will gladly meet further with organized resident groups to help advocate for changes at the state level.

In other business

• Road paving and pothole repair was completed at a cost of $653,000, 40% more than budgeted to maintain.

• The fire department reported six calls for the month and 40 for the year. Fire Police assistance was approved for the Carbon County Fair and The Pace-Makers Association Rolling Cruise from 3 to 4 p.m. on Aug. 13.

• The next meeting of the Board of Supervisors will be held on Aug. 4 at 7 p.m. at 120 Stable Road, Lehighton.