Penn Forest residents voice concerns about rentals
Complaints about Granicus, the company hired to monitor reports of problems and complaints about short-term rentals, were the first topic during a long Penn Forest Township supervisors’ meeting this month.
Peg Dusablon of Towamensing Trails started, saying that “Granicus is not providing (the service) that they said they would.”
Pat Neyda, also of Towamensing Trails, described making a call to Granicus about a problem that was occurring one evening, and then made a follow-up call two hours later (when the problem persisted) where the Granicus employee could find no record of the first call.
“They are doing basically zero,” Dusablon said.
Supervisors are considering holding another public meeting, with Granicus invited to explain themselves.
In other public comment, Linda Abrams wants to see a dog park built in the township park (or elsewhere). Supervisor Pat Holland suggested getting people interested in a dog park together with members of the Park and Recreation Committee to discuss what actions are needed.
In other business
• The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation will allow reducing of Route 903 over the Pennsylvania Turnpike to one lane in each direction. The township was directed to buy 1,500 linear feet of thermo paint, to be applied in 24-inch wide strips. Cost is $12,000. After discussion, supervisors voted to table action to get more information.
• Roadmaster and Supervisors’ Chairman Roger Meckes reported that the summer roads paving has started, with contractor H&K expected by the end of this month.
• Supervisors agreed to support the grant application by the Bear Creek Lakes Watershed Conservancy and BCL Civic Association toward stormwater control.
• The developer of a cell tower that was erected on a property beside Stony Mountain Road without township permission was turned down for the right to keep the tower in place by the zoning hearing board. He has opted to appeal to county court, and supervisors voted to have the township participate by sending a solicitor.
• With Supervisor Christian Bartulovich absent, a vote about hiring a working foreman for the township crew split 2-2, Holland and Tom Cross opposed, Meckes and Scott Lignore in favor. The topic will be put on the July agenda.
• For the township park, supervisors voted 3-1, Holland opposed, to buy a Toro zero-turn mower from AG Industrial at a co-stars price of $15,385 - mainly for use at the park.
• Line-X was contracted to stripe parking spaces onto the park’s parking lot, at a cost of $3,100. Four turf tires were bought from R&D Powersports for the UTV bought last month to be used for fields maintenance. Cost is $856 for the set.
• New rules will be put into place for when the park hosts large events. One such rule is that during those busy days, more portable toilets will be added. A large event last month with about 500 people attending overfilled the two potties kept at the park. Someone that weekend also broke one of the women’s toilets.
• The new batting cage needs concrete anchors. A budget of $2,200 was set to buy Sonotubes and concrete. Volunteers from the baseball and softball teams using the park will help with the installation.
• Buying a pallet of bags of Turface for $1,320 for the baseball and softball fields led to a discussion about having the organizations chip in for half the cost. Supervisors paid for this pallet.
• An extra light will be installed atop the backstop on the baseball field, for nighttime events such as movie night. Cost is a maximum of $250. It was agreed to let the vendor with the food truck set up wiring for 50-amp service (he’s licensed to do this) extending to the parking lot.
• The new Craft Fair and township festival in September at the park was given funding up to $5,000 toward bands, a bounce obstacle course, and promotion expenses.
• Meckes, as roadmaster, reported that the roads crew, currently one person short, is out mowing the roadsides and the park, as well as doing projects at the park.
• The next regular supervisors meeting will be at 7 p.m. on July 5, due to Monday’s Independence Day holiday.