Published June 25. 2022 08:00AM
Palmerton Area School District’s board of directors on Tuesday approved the following personnel items:
• Linda Duyka, Diane Gebhard and Wendy Magner as cafeteria workers for the summer feeding program effective July 5 through Aug. 4.
• Morgan Hesse, Jodi Kocher, Vicki McHugh, Amy Negley, Kimberly Nenscel, Joshua Rake, Lori Smith, and Morgan Kemmerer as teachers to work in the summer school program from July 12 through Aug. 4 at $33/hour per the collective bargaining agreement.
• Elizabeth Campbell and Darlene Smale to work as instructional assistants for the summer school program at the contracted hourly rate per the support contract.
• Karissa Nenscel and Kelly Warner to work as instructional assistants for the summer school program at an hourly rate of $16.28.
• Michelle Bisbing to work as a health room technician for the summer school program at the contracted hourly rate.
• Kristina Manning as staff member for the extended school year program from July 5-28 at a rate of $33/hour.
• Andrew Remsing as summer program facilitator of the eBridges Course/Credit Recovery program for students in grades 7-12 from June 13-30 at the rate of $33/hour.
• Kristen Perdew as algebra tutor for 30 hours at a rate of $33/hour effective July 1 through Aug. 29.
• Kimberly Carlson as substitute teacher at a daily rate of $110 effective June 22, 2022.
• Resignations of Diane Fronheiser, part-time custodian, and Keri Repnyek, lead cook.