Kissner sworn in as president of Special Court Judges Association of PA
The Honorable William J. Kissner, Magisterial District Judge, was sworn in recently as president of the Special Court Judges Association of Pennsylvania.
The oath of office was administered by Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice P. Kevin Brobson during the annual conference held this year in Malvern. Kissner was unanimously elected by his peers to serve as president of the SCJAP.
“I am honored and privileged to serve as the SCJAP president and humbled by the overwhelming support and unanimous vote by my peers to lead our association,” Kissner said. “Serving as president, I will work hard by way of my commitment and dedication to move the District Courts in the right direction, ensuring access along with fair and equal justice to all the members of the communities we serve.”
The SCJAP was incorporated May 17, 1976, with the mission statement and purpose to foster, promote and advance, without becoming involved in partisan politics of any kind, the study and application of the laws pertaining to, administered by and affecting special court Judges, the proper observance of judicial ethics and moral obligations by and among such officers and members, the dissemination of legal and other information for the better performance of the duties of such offices, and for social purposes provided in the nonprofit corporation.
These “special courts,” also referred to as the Minor Courts, the People’s Courts, or the Community Courts, are the first level of Pennsylvania’s unified judicial system. These courts are presided over by Magisterial District Judges and municipal court judges.
They are often the only contact that most citizens ever have with the courts. Such local access to swift and efficient justice is paramount.
The membership consists of over 500 Magisterial District Judges in the commonwealth and Judges of the Philadelphia Municipal Court.
As president of the SCJAP District, Kissner will work closely with the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Pennsylvania Court Administrators, the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, President Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, local officials, leaders and members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, the Minor Judiciary Education Board, and his fellow Magisterial District Judges on issues affecting and impacting the District Courts; while advancing the position of the Special Court Judges and enhancing the performance of their duties.
Kissner has been serving his community since January 2012, in the Palmerton District Court, 401 Delaware Ave., Palmerton.
During his tenure, Kissner has been an active member of the SCJAP, serving as the District 10 president from 2012 to June 2020.
He has served on numerous state committees including Constables Relations, Rules Committee, Strategic Planning, Budget and Finance, Audit Committee and Advisory Board to the SCJAP President. In June 2020, Kissner became the SCJAP 2nd Vice President.
Kissner has been active within Carbon County, serving on multiple county committees including the Criminal Justice Advisory Board, Court Processing, Law Enforcement Treatment Initiative, Re-Entry Coalition, and initiated the use of remote access - Advanced Communication Technology, for on call night duty in the county.
The initiation and use of ACT enhances the safety of the law enforcement officer, District Judge and defendant.
ACT is a cost savings to the taxpayers of the boroughs, townships and state by expediting preliminary arraignments, search warrants, arrest warrants and reducing the need for additional officers for transports and overtime.
More information about the Special Court Judges Association of Pennsylvania may be found at