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NL STEAM camp a hit with students

They made hot air balloons, built bottle rockets, and even ate ice cream.

It’s no wonder that the level of participation was at an all-time high for Northern Lehigh School District’s STEAM Summer Camp.

The camp is for students in grades 3-6 at Slatington Elementary School, and grades 7-8 at Northern Lehigh Middle School.

Camp began Monday and ran through today. It then continues Monday through Thursday of next week.

Coralyn Royer, entering seventh grade, said she enjoyed her experience Wednesday morning as she attempted to launch a hot-air balloon.

“It’s fun,” Coralyn said. “But it took a very long time.”

Fellow student Conor Cunningham said he also found the activity to be a challenge.

“It’s pretty good,” Conor said. “I’m trying to make it float.”

Just across the hall, Nathaniel Harvey, entering sixth grade, was all in on the ice cream-making process.

“It’s super fun, and swag,” Nathaniel said. “I know how to make the ice cream.”

Kohen Chen, entering sixth grade, helped make some banana ice cream that was to have been eaten today.

“We have to freeze it,” Kohen said. “We made the butter yesterday (Tuesday).”

In all, 85 students participated in the program, 70 of which were from Slatington Elementary, and 15 of which were from Northern Lehigh Middle School, according to STEAM Camp director Timothy Weaber.

Weaber noted that The Neffs National Bank recently gave a generous donation of a $22,500 EITC grant to the district’s Education Foundation to support the district’s summer STEAM camps.

“We do what we can with what funding we have,” Weaber said. “Our primary focus is to interest students in STEAM-related careers.”

Those STEAM-related careers include science, technology, engineering, arts and math and career awareness.

Weaber, who runs the camp along with Dr. Jen Butz, camp coordinator, said it’s rewarding to see all the preparation that goes into the camp come to fruition.

“It’s fun seeing it all come together,” he said. “It’s hands-on learning, and they get to take it home and share it with their parents.”

Students Savannah Thompson and Coralyn Royer, both entering seventh grade, attempt to launch a hot-air balloon during Northern Lehigh School District's STEAM Camp Wednesday morning. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
Student Conor Cunningham prepares to launch this hot air balloon with assistance from STEAM Camp director Timothy Weaber. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
Student Pearl Walters tries her hand at making ice cream. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
Student Kohen Chen, entering sixth grade, explains the process of making ice cream. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
Student Maureen Strohl, entering fifth grade, builds a birds nest at the nature trail outside Slatington Elementary School. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS