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NL graduates told they will do ‘amazing things’

Based on the size of their school, they’re often viewed not as the Bulldogs, but as the underdogs.

However, it isn’t the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog that matters.

That was the message relayed to the 106 members of the Northern Lehigh High School Class of 2022.

High school Assistant Principal Michael Strohl welcomed family members during commencement exercises Friday evening at Bulldog Community Stadium.

Class Vice President Kendall Heiney said she had the pleasure to be such all through high school.

“To get right to it, I want to express my joy for all of us finally graduating and moving forward in life,” Heiney said. We had a weird high school experience with COVID and all that, but we all are tired of hearing that word so I will not dwell on the topic. The important thing is, we did it.”

Class Valedictorian Brooke Nonnemacher, who is also class president, said she’s grateful for the many memories that were made.

“The years we spent here were anything but normal, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world,” Nonnemacher said. “The small school experience” is something special, and I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to have one.”

Nonnemacher noted that as much as they accomplished in high school, she has no doubt that every single graduate will go on to do “amazing things.”

“Thank you to all the amazing teaches who made it their personal mission to see us excel in their classes, the guidance counselors who helped us choose the path best for us, the coaches who encouraged us to be so much more than just successful players but people as well, and the rest of the staff that made our high school experience special,” she said. “We couldn’t have done it without you.”

Class Salutatorian Emily Moyer said she can’t believe the moment has finally arrived.

“This feels so surreal,” Moyer said. “I feel as though this is just another summer before returning back to Northern Lehigh in the fall.”

Moyer said she believes they can all agree that decision-making is hard, and added that she has found that is something in life that doesn’t get any easier.

“My teachers have taught ways to analyze choices, and have prepared us on how to pick the best ones for ourselves,” she said. “As uncertain as things are right now, I have confidence that my schooling has thoroughly prepared me for whatever I may find in my future.”

Student Council President Paige Craddock recognized the Slatington High School Class of 1972 attendees on the 50th year of their graduation. Strohl recognized several retirees with numerous years of experience in the district. Superintendent Matthew J. Link presented the graduation class and told them, “Tonight, your hard work has paid off.”

School board President Mathias Green presented the diplomas to the graduates.

Northern Lehigh High School Class of 2022 graduate Nate Walters takes a selfie following commencement exercises Friday evening at Bulldog Community Stadium. With Walters is fellow graduate Daniel Gonzalez.TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
Northern Lehigh High School senior Trevor Amorim receives his diploma from Mathias Green, Jr., school board president, during commencement exercises Friday evening at Bulldog Community Stadium as high school Assistant Principal Michael Strohl speaks. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
Northern Lehigh High School Class of 2022 vice president Kendall Heiney addresses her fellow classmates during graduation Friday evening at Bulldog Community Stadium. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
Northern Lehigh High School Class of 2022 Salutatorian Emily Moyer gives her graduation speech. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS