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Monroe to assess community needs

Monroe County Community Action Agency, which plans and implements programs to assist low-income people in Monroe and Pike Counties, is hosting four focus groups and an online survey to inform its next three-year strategic plan.

The focus groups will be held on June 9 and 14 with low-income people and organizations that serve low-income people; preregistration is required.

The survey will be available online through the end of July.

Go to https://pikeforward.org/cna or contact Monroe County at cnainfo@monroecountypa.gov.

The Community Needs Assessment is a requirement of the Community Services Block Grant. Every three years, the Monroe County CAA creates a new community needs assessment. This assessment will identify the top five needs in each county and will be used to guide planning and service provision to low-income families in the Pike and Monroe County service area.

Many local agencies use grant funding to address the needs of low-income people in the region including partner agencies like the Center for Developmental Disabilities, CSS Shepherd’s Maternity House, Family Promise of Monroe County, Family Services Association of NEPA-211 Call Center, Monroe County Habitat for Humanity, Monroe County Meals on Wheels, Pike County Developmental Center, Pocono Area Transitional Housing, Pocono Mountains United Way, Pocono Services for Families and Children, Resources for Human Development/Street2Feet, Salvation Army East Stroudsburg, and Stroud Region Open Space & Recreation Commission.

Monroe County Community Action Agency is a public community action program for Pike and Monroe County overseeing the administration of the Community Services Block Grant for the region.