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Carbon updates COVID policy

Carbon County is updating its COVID policy for its employees as the country eases its recommendations.

Effective Friday, the county no longer requires PCR COVID testing.

According to the policy released to employees, at-home COVID testing is now acceptable.

“If an employee has a positive at-home test result, the employee must report the positive result to their respective elected official/department head immediately,” the memo states. The supervisor will then notify human resources.

In addition, if the employee tests positive and has a fever, they will be required to stay home until they are fever free.

If they test positive but are fever free, that employee may return to work, but must wear a KN95 mask for 10 days from the onset of symptoms or the positive test result.

Commissioner Rocky Ahner provided an example that if the person returns after three days, they will need to continue to wear a mask for seven business days.

Masking at county offices is currently optional.