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Palmerton Borough Council

Palmerton Borough Council took the following action on Thursday:

• Agreed to apply for a Main Street Lehigh Valley Grant in the amount of $2,000 that if received, would be used to help defray the costs for the beautification to the entrance of the borough.

• Adopted an ordinance amending vehicles and traffic - unlicensed/uninspected vehicles.

• Adopted an ordinance amending vehicles and traffic - handicapped parking requests.

• Approved the Carbon County Planning Commission Community Development Block Grant Cooperation Agreement.

• Approved Kaila Gazaway as a Palmerton Fire Company member.

• On a 6-0 vote, with one abstention, approved a parking lot and street closer request from the Pace-Makers Association for the Palmerton Car Show on June 18 in the borough park. Council President Terry Costenbader abstained.

• Approved a Block Party request for the 600 and 700 blocks of East Princeton.

• Agreed to provide fire police assistance to Lehigh Township on June 5.

• Reminded residents to keep their properties maintained.

• Reminded motorists that the speed limit in all alleys in the borough is 15 miles per hour.

- Terry Ahner