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Reflect in the warmth of the son

This past month I was reminded of something the reformer Martin Luther said. He alluded to a rock that was sitting in the sun all day. How could it not give off warmth at night? As we celebrate Pentecost, we are reminded that we are called to reflect the warmth of God’s love in all we do.

I got a giggle when I saw a Halloween cartoon. Didn’t anyone tell Dracula the moonlight was really reflected sunlight? In what ways do we reflect Son light?

Pentecost, originally a harvest festival, and later a time to remember Moses giving of the Ten Commandments, brought Jews from all the corners of the known world to Jerusalem. That is why the reading in the second chapter of Acts talks about Parthians and Medes and Elamites. (I always feel sorry for whoever has to read the lessons that Sunday) The Holy Spirit reflecting through the disciples made it so all could hear them speaking in their own languages.

So we come to worship and pray that God may touch us. The Pink Floyd “Dark Side of the Moon” album of 1973 shows a beam of light hitting a prism and breaking into all the colors of the rainbow. I’d like to think that in our worship God’s spirit comes to us empowering us in ways to better serve his kingdom. Indeed, St. Paul would write in the 12th chapter of the book of Romans, beginning with verse six:

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

I have enjoyed in my retirement a chance to study things, I never had the chance to, and go places I’ve never been before. Each new day is a chance to learn and use that learning in furtherance of God’s kingdom on Earth. How May God use you? God takes simple folk like the disciples, at Pentecost and does miracles with them.

Like the light that shines through a prism, let God direct your ways. I will never forget in Berks County, I was visiting a nursing facility. I gave communion to a shut-in in the dining area. As I was finishing up, a class of high school kids came in. They had been part of a baking project and were showing off their cakes, later cutting them up and giving pieces to the elderly residents.

I will never forget the interaction between an old Pennsylvania Dutch woman and young Hispanic girl. These two ladies both shared a love of baking and they had quite the conversation. The young girl used her baking skills as a bridge, between race, age and culture. How may we be bridges to the divine this week?

Summer with a change of pace can give us a chance to see our own gifts that God has given us. The word “gift” can be broken apart and can be defined as “God Inspired For Togetherness.” In what ways can you better use your gifts to serve God?

What kind of spiritual baking can you do this week? Is there are new neighbor you can invite to church? You may have a special place in your heart for the malnourished, is there a food pantry at which you can volunteer? Take time each day with God, let God direct your feet, your hands, your voices. Like light shines in so many colors through a prism and a rock shares warmth from the sun. Reflect God’s love in all you think say and so. Reflect the warmth of the Son.