Water safety month gets families ready for summer
National Water Safety Month kicked off in May, and with summer not far behind, families are looking forward to pool parties, fun in the backyard and more. But before dipping our toes back into the water, it’s important for parents to proactively practice water safety.
Goldfish Swim School - Bethlehem has details on the top five ways parents can water-safety-proof their homes.
1. Install, Install, Install. Four-sided fences are a safe idea for children as they are natural explorers. Looking into self-closing and self-latching gates that will be out of reach to children.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, using a four-sided isolation fence reduces a child’s risk of drowning by 83% and is the best way to prevent accidental falls into water.
Also consider installing door and pool alarms to prevent kids from slipping outside unnoticed. These will alert adults of any opening doors and gates.
2. Invest in a Flotation Device and Store Near Water.
When a water-safety emergency happens, throwing a life preserver or safety ring to the person in the water is the quickest and safest way to help.
Be prepared and have a designated area to store this device that is easily accessible and known to everyone in the household.
3. Remove Any Standing Water.
Shallow water is still dangerous as children can drown in as little as 2 inches of water. Make sure kiddie pools are flipped over and empty, buckets are upside down, bathtubs are drained, and toilet lids are closed and locked.
Curious minds may fall into anything, and removing small hazards has a big payoff.
4. Store Toys in Designated Area.
Keeping toys in a body of water when not in use can lead to a dangerous situation as children may want to reach for them when adults aren’t around. Instead, have a designated bin or basket outside of the pool area.
5. Review Rules as Family.
Sometimes when our little ones are in play-mode, rules fall by the wayside. Be sure to review rules together as a family - you might consider doing so every time before letting your kids loose to enjoy the water and/or hanging up the rules in your house.