Weatherly approves return of Memorial Day Parade
Georgia Farrow of the American Legion Post 360 Auxiliary came before Weatherly borough council at their April 25 meeting to look for borough support for a Memorial Day Parade on May 30. She asked council for a donation toward expenses, among which are small flags for participating kids, and hot dogs and refreshments at the end of the parade. Both the parade and a donation were approved.
The ALA is working with Weatherly Area Schools District nurse Becky McFadden to bring awareness to the benefits of drinking water versus sugared soda and Gatorade. Council approved Farrow’s request for a POP-OUT Day proclamation.
Farrow also reported that over 100 veterans signed up for the food distribution program through Post 360. Weatherly had the best turnout in the county so far. She expects even more participation going forward.
In other business, council approved updating the Civil Service list for potential hires to the police department. No one is on the list right now. Council appointed Ken Minnick to the Zoning Hearing Board, and Dawn Bellizia as the alternate. A special meeting will be scheduled to award the bid for trailhead construction. Bids for construction of the first leg of trail itself will be solicited in early May.
A resolution regarding rules discouraging nepotism in the borough resolution was adopted on a 5-1 vote, with Mayor Paul John Hadzick, and council members Joe Cyburt, Jeffrey Miller, Norman Richie and Joseph Thomas in favor, and Vincent Cuddeford II opposed. Theresa D’Andrea was absent.
Robert vonFrisch was appointed as chair of the Planning Commission, filling that role which has been vacant since James Wetzel died. VonFrisch asked about progress on the planning ordinance revisions that had been sent to the Carbon County Planning Commission for their review.
Changes the county suggested were incorporated, and the more than 200-page document was forwarded back to the county. Once approved there, the changes will come back to Weatherly Planners to forward to council for adoption. There is a vacancy remaining on the Planning Commission which vonFrisch would like to see filled.