Tamaqua news for April 28, 2022
Zion Lewistown
Pastor Jim Williams will officiate at the 10:30 a.m. service this Sunday at Zion Church Lewistown Valley. Sunday school is scheduled for 9:30 a.m.
A drive-thru chicken barbecue will be held this Saturday from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Womens Bible study is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Monday at Memorial Hall.
Rush-Ryan Seniors
The Rush-Ryan-Delano Senior Citizens met on April 26 with 41 members in attendance. The meeting was opened with the reading “My Prayer For You.”
Bill Morrison was added to the sick list. Guest Eddie Johnson and new member Sharon Miller were given warm welcomes by the group.
Doris Brobst donated butterfly hand towels that were won by Carol Sedlock and Mary Reed.
The group will be going to Mohegan Sun Casino on May 16.
The next meeting will be an anniversary dinner on May 10 at noon at Christ Church, Barnesville, with the meal catered by Hess of Schuylkill Haven.
The group meets the second and fourth Tuesday every month at 1 p.m. at Christ Church, Barnesville. Anyone 55 and older is invited to attend.
St. Peter’s West Penn
May 1: 9 a.m. worship service, Celebration of Holy Communion, Sacrament of Baptism; 10:15 a.m. Sunday school; Confirmation class field trip to Hartman’s Funeral Home after worship, no class at 4 p.m.; 6 p.m. Girl Scouts.
May 2: 7 p.m. play practice; May 5, 6 p.m. Cherub Choir rehearsal, 6:30 p.m. Bell Choir rehearsal, 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir rehearsal.
May 8: 9 a.m. worship service, Mother’s Day, Sacrament of Baptism, joyous noise offering; 10:15 a.m. Sunday school; no Confirmation Class, 6 p.m. Girl Scouts.
Bus trip
Panther Valley Senior Center is sponsoring a bus trip to Sight and Sound to see “David.”
Call 570-669-9930 or 570-778-2004 for more information.
Calvary Lewistown
Pastor Ralph Saunders will officiate at the 10:25 a.m. worship service this Sunday in Calvary Evangelical United Methodist Church. Sunday school is scheduled for 9:15 a.m.
There is no prayer meeting this Wednesday due to National Day of Prayer service at Steigerwalt’s Church of God, Route 443, McKeansburg. Hymn sing at 7:15 p.m. and service at 7:30 p.m.
Tamaqua Seniors
The Tamaqua Senior Citizens met on April 21 with 29 members in attendance. The meeting was opened with the reading “Never Ending Treasures.”
The group welcomed the return of member Dolly Kamant. Diane Gould donated Easter items to be raffled along with two free bingo games.
Winners were: Nancy Godenis, towel rack; Gladys Arner, musical Easter Bunny; Nancy Eisley, filled Easter basket. Bingo winners were Melody Weicker and Jean Machamer.
The group meets every Thursday at the Coaldale Complex at 1 p.m. Anyone 55 and older is invited to attend.
National Drug Take Back Day
Tamaqua Police are participating in National Drug Take Back Day this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the police station, 320 E. Broad St.
Residents may dispose of medication in their original containers or by removing it from containers and dropping it directly into the disposal box.
All expired or unwanted controlled, noncontrolled or over the counter medications will be accepted.
Liquid products should remain sealed in their original containers.
The event is sponsored by Schuylkill County Sheriff Joe Groody and Schuylkill County Drug and Alcohol.
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Join us in praying for our community on Saturday 9 a.m.-noon at St. John’s Reformed Church, 17 Chestnut St., Friedensburg.
We will be praying for the children, educators, pastors, Sunday school teachers, children’s staff and the local ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship. Service will begin at 9 a.m.
After the service the group will break into smaller groups and travel to the five Good News Day Camp locations.
The group should arrive at the Lewistown Valley Tabernacle at approximately 11:30 a.m.
For more information call 570-544-8042.
American Primitive
Sunday worship service is at 10:30 a.m. at American Primitive Methodist Church. The service is available at www.tamaquachurch.org and www.facebook.com/PMChurchTamaqua.
There will be no Sunday school until further notice. Hope in the Mountains Nar-Anon Family Group meets at 57 Hunter St.
To submit news, contact Susan Eckhart at 570-668-1250 or seckhart@tnonline.com or the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.