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Carbon moving to digital pay stubs

Carbon County will pay just over $16,000 now to save on costs in the future as it moves to digital pay stubs for employees.

On Thursday, the board of commissioners approved a request to purchase the eSuit4e module from Tyler Technologies Inc. at a cost of $8,500, plus annual software of $4,725 and a recurring fee of $3,060.

Commissioner Chris Lukasevich said that this has been in the works for a while, adding as he held up a pile of envelopes, that “this is two years of … pay stubs.

“In the near future, it will be on the phone, in the cloud or on your computer for employees,” he said.

Lukasevich noted that while the cost of paper and envelopes may not be extensive, the time it takes to print them, stuff and address the envelopes and distribute them is significant.

“The savings will far exceed the annual recurring costs to utilize that platform and program,” he said.

Commissioners’ Chairman Wayne Nothstein added that this will eliminate the need for a folding machine, which is currently down, meaning employees had to manually fold everything before stuffing the envelopes.

“It will be a cost savings for the county as we move forward into the electronic age,” Nothstein said.