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Friends of West End Park group discuss future

The West End Park and Open Space Commission met this week, and the questions were all about the future of the Friends of WEPOSC.

Longtime Chief Administrative Officer Bernie Kozen is retiring at the end of April and despite advertising the position, there is no replacement for him.

The Chestnuthill Supervisors have taken on the responsibilities for keeping the parks running, and some members in the commission and the Friends of WEPOSC are not happy with that decision.

“We have tried, to hire someone and no one stepped up and that is why the supervisors have taken on the responsibilities for keeping the parks running,” said Chuck Gould, Chestnuthill Township supervisor.

As a result of changes, Ross Township requested to pull out of the original regional parks agreement. Supervisors were concerned that the yearly fee they pay would increase and the direction of WEPOSC would change under a new agreement.

In the original agreement, if one township pulls out of the agreement it requires disbanding and writing a new agreement with the remaining townships. Unfortunately with no WEPOSC there is no friends group. The group will need to disband if the commission disbands, explained Chestnuthill Township’s Lawyer Tim McManus.

Secretary Tina Drake said they have a lot of questions. “So the Regional Park Commission is being dissolved. The friends have their goal, their mission was to raise funds for developing this regional park. If there’s not this regional park anymore, what’s the friend’s future? I personally, would like to be involved, as far as friends on the day of the Fleetwood Race and Starship Bike Race. I think that was one of our biggest events. And it was a very important event. I don’t feel like we’re doing it for the Regional Park anymore.”

Gould said every municipality put money into buying that property. All the DCNR grants were the co-sponsor to get that property. So it’s still going to be a regional park.

“I’m not saying you have to raise money. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying it’s still a regional park,” Gould said.

He stressed that everybody is welcome to use the parks. Ross wants to hold events there, and the other townships for that matter.

As far as the 501c3 the Friends of WEPOSC agreed with Gould that the group should sit down together with the solicitor to see what needs to be done.

“All I know at this point is the Friends exists because WEPOSC exists, so before that stops functioning completely and before it is officially disbanded, the friends of WEPOSC needs to be dealt with first because you have a boatload of money there and you need to set it up the way it needs to be,” Gould said.

Between several suggestions and lots of input, it was decided to table all fundraisers and events, except for the Fleetwood 5K on May 22 and the upcoming Starship Bike Race.

The decision was made that the Friends of WEPOSC could still use the website until the commission is disbanded.

The friends volunteered to pay bills and keep up with correspondence.

“As long as we keep the bills paid, we will be all right and all the other stuff will get sorted out,” Gould said.