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Cancer Telethon donation

Terry Purcell, left, president of LVH-Carbon, presents the ceremonial check to Joe Krushinsky, chairman of the Cancer Telethon on Northeast Pennsylvania on Sunday. As the principal sponsor, LVHN donated $12,500. Other large contributions included ZooStock, $13,300; basket raffle and food events, $35,100; Miller Family, $10,000; Zimmerman Trust, $5,000; pink ribbon die-cuts, $8,600; daffodil sales, $16,000; and anonymous, $5,000. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Terry Purcell, left, president of LVH-Carbon, presents the ceremonial check to Joe Krushinsky, chairman of the Cancer Telethon on Northeast Pennsylvania on Sunday. As the principal sponsor, LVHN donated $12,500. Other large contributions included ZooStock, $13,300; basket raffle and food events, $35,100; Miller Family, $10,000; Zimmerman Trust, $5,000; pink ribbon die-cuts, $8,600; daffodil sales, $16,000; and anonymous, $5,000. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO