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Northern Lehigh School Board — Financial

Northern Lehigh School Board approved the following financial matters on Monday:

• The purchase from Otis Elevator of an Otis Glide door operator for Peters Elementary School, at a cost of $34,647, to be funded through the 2021-2022 buildings and grounds budget.

• The purchase of a water source heat pump replacement for Peters Elementary School guidance office from Burns Mechanical, at a cost of $15,200, to be funded through the 2021-2022 buildings and grounds budget.

• Retroactively, the purchase of a softball scoreboard through Nevco Sports, LLC, at a cost of $3,569, to be funded through the 2021-2022 athletic budget.

• A five-year contract with Advantage Sport & Fitness Inc., at a cost not to exceed $1,500 per year, to be funded through the athletic department budget.

• To advertise and hire five student summer workers and one supervisor. The rate for student summer workers will not exceed $12.50 per hour, and the rate for the supervisor will not exceed $15 per hour.

- Terry Ahner