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South Schuylkill Garden Club holds annual tea

The South Schuylkill Garden Club will be holding its annual tea at 5:30 p.m. on April 19 in the social hall of the First United Church of Christ of Schuylkill Haven.

The church is known as the “White Church,” next to the Penn State Schuylkill Campus on Route 61 south Schuylkill Haven.

The theme for this year’s tea is “Step into Spring.”

The public is invited to join club members for an evening of relaxed fellowship and light refreshments to be served at 6 p.m.

Then at 7, Master Gardner Victor Perez Dahlia expert extraordinaire will present a program on dahlias. The program is “Dilly Dally with Dahlias.”

Victor will present a PowerPoint program all about dahlias. He will speak on the history and classification of dahlias, as well as spring planting, fall lifting and winter storage of dahlias. Gift bags of dahlias will be provided to participants.

The public is invited to participate in the South Schuylkill Garden Club Annual Tea. Anyone interested in gardening can come enjoy a relaxing and informative evening.

Cost for this evening is $18. Reservations along with additional information may be directed to Linda at 570-739-4580 or lkayb731@verizon.net.

There will be items available for raffle to help defer the cost of the program as well as support the club in their various community projects.

If interested, pre-reservations are being accepted through April 12.

Linda Bollinger, Tea Chairman; Helen Moyer; and Larry Moyer, Master Gardeners, met recently to plan their Annual Tea themed “Step into Spring.” The South Schuylkill Garden Club annual tea will be held on April 19 in the social hall of the First United Church of Christ, Schuylkill Haven. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO