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Zoning requests sent to planning commissions

At the Kidder Township supervisors meeting on March 22, supervisors were asked to change zoning on a 300-acre parcel from the current R2 (residential) to commercial.

The site, owned by Blue Ridge Real Estate, is along Route 940 extending to Interstate 80, west of Moseywood Road to the Exeter Group warehouse. Supervisors sent the proposal to the township and county Planning Commissions.

Regarding the Exeter warehouse, engineer Chris McDermott showed a plan adding 255 more parking spaces to accommodate for shift changes. The idea is to convert a corner of existing pavement and concrete pad on the northwest corner of what would have been trailer parking.

He said there is ample space there for the new spots. This also was referred to the Planning Commission with a request that landscaping be added along Route 940.

Kidder Police were approved to have a cadet ride-along program as part of their candidate recruiting. Police Chief Matthew Kuzma asked residents to call 911 about loud music or fireworks.

Township Manager Suzanne Brooks reported that spring electronics recycling day is April 16 at the township building from 9 a.m. until the trailer is filled.

She replied to a question about getting emitters installed on the township’s traffic signals, saying a second company is being brought in because the first one stopped responding to calls.

In other business, supervisors hired Patsy DeMarco as an additional township clerk; approved a contract with Button Oil for gasoline delivery now, while advertising for proposals from companies to provide gasoline, diesel and propane delivery for the township through the rest of this year; will again advertise for a tree cutting contractor; approved the stormwater plan for the new latrines in Hickory Run State Park; and approved the return to the tax rolls of six properties.