Published March 26. 2022 06:59AM
To the Editor,
I have always known that global warming was a lie because of the blizzard of ’78. Scientists said we were heading into an ice age. Ten, 12 years later, scientists started their warming nonsense. The burning of fossil fuels has little to do with the climate. The climate is controlled by the sun.
The heavy rains and flooding, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are being caused by the sun. This past winter a section of Antarctica set a record low of minus 78 degrees. People claim Antarctica is melting because a piece is breaking off. They never mention that there is an underwater volcano. I read an article that claimed, in order to obtain all the raw material needed for the “green new deal,” we would have to mine half the solar system.
Millions of people around the world will literally starve and freeze to death because of all this climate nonsense. If the ice is melting, why do Barack Obama and Al Gore live in mansions on the coast? It’s all about control, not the climate.
Michael S. Rother