Tamaqua supports library’s grant application
The Tamaqua borough will back a grant Tamaqua Public Library officials hope to secure to replace a leaking roof.
“The roof on the building is badly deteriorated,” Borough Manager Kevin Steigerwalt told council earlier this week.
Water began seeping through recently, prompting officials to cover books and tables with tarps. Buckets and tubs are stashed in the library’s attic to catch leaks and drips.
A contractor recently told library officials that an emergency replacement is the only way to protect the library collection, patrons and staff.
Steigerwalt said the library is seeking $175,000 in funds.
Work could begin within the next two months. Employees are hoping that the library will remain open throughout construction.
It’s not the first time the library has experienced water problems. A drainage pipe froze and burst early last year, causing water to enter through the walls and ceiling.
Officials closed the library for three months.
Heaters and fans were brought in to dry the wet areas, and once that was done, crews replaced pipes and the ceiling.
Donations for the library roof fundraiser, hosted by the Tamaqua Area Community Partnership, can be made online at https://bit.ly/3IoEFcS.
In an unrelated matter, council appointed a handful of individuals to positions throughout the borough.
They’re also looking for people to fill vacancies on a number of boards.
Council appointed Randy Clemson as the water treatment plant work leader and Todd Macalush as the wastewater treatment plant work leader.
Aaron Coggiano will move from the borough streets department to a vacant position as water treatment plant operator.
Council voted to retain Tonia Collevechio as borough secretary-treasurer. She had been serving as the secretary-treasurer trainee on a six-month probationary period and will receive a $50,000 salary.
As for board vacancies, Paul Friderici informed council by letter that he will be stepping down from both the City Revitalization and Improvement Zone and Tamaqua Borough Authority boards. His resignations will be forwarded to the respective boards.
In addition to those two openings, there are two vacancies on the Tamaqua Board of Health.
Council President Brian Connely said anyone interested in filling those unexpired terms should contact the borough.