Lehighton debates work on Division Alley
Whether or not work is done on an alley in Lehighton this year remains to be determined.
Borough engineer Bruce Steigerwalt shared an estimate to do the work on Division Alley with borough council last week.
Borough Manager Nicole Beckett said the estimate for paving materials is $14,080 with all work being completed by borough forces. However, the estimated cost in wages has not been calculated.
There were two estimates: One for just paving materials at $14,080, and no additional improvements; and another that includes stormwater improvements in addition to materials at an estimated cost of $75,052 without labor.
Beckett said the issues addressed with Division Alley included the surface condition, stormwater, encroachments and safety/visibility concerns at Division Alley and Route 209.
“The $14,000 does fit within our budget this year,” Beckett said.
“It all comes out of the general fund.”
Councilwoman Lisa Perry surmised that if council were to approve the estimate, then no other alleys would get done this year.
Beckett told Perry she was correct.
“This would be the only alley we would be able to (do),” Beckett said. “Alleys are difficult because you can only take them out of the general fund.”
Steigerwalt noted there are quite a few people who park on Division Alley.
Council agreed to have Public Works Superintendent Kris Kunkle come up with a list of prioritized alleys for council to prioritize and evaluate for future year funding by next month’s meeting.
After the meeting, Beckett said that sections of East Alley and Center Alley were planned for repairs in 2022.
Last month, resident Derek Davies told borough council there’s limited parking on Carbon Street, and said a lot of them park on Division Alley.
Davies said one of the biggest concerns is that the alley isn’t paved.
Beckett assured him that the borough is aware of the situation, and that the borough engineer was working on it.
In January, Whitney Schnell started a petition for Division Alley so that she and her neighbors may safely travel it.
Schnell said her family, friends and neighbors live on Carbon Street, and many of them have back parking in Division Alley to their homes.
However, she said the borough doesn’t maintain the alley, making it difficult to get to it during the winter months.
The change.org petition can be viewed at https://bit.ly/3GAj4wY.