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Those who have an ear let them hear

One of the greatest mysteries is the perplexing relationship between God and humans.

I cannot think of a more glorious yet frustrating subject. Especially when it comes to people trying to find answers when all they have is questions.

I’ve counseled and given psychological first aid to those who have gone through a traumatic crisis and I’ve listened to people in hospital waiting rooms repeat that age-old question, “Why is this happening?”

They cry and beg, but many times they cannot hear a sound from heaven, and usually neither can anyone else. I’m thankful for the holy Scriptures that are wonderful promises, but nothing would be better than to sit down at the kitchen table with Jesus or at least one of His angels and have some coffee while we discuss all the things I would like to know.

I’m sure that if we were given this glorious invitation that trusting God would be the foundation of the conversation.

The Bible reveals that God has all wisdom and authority and most Christians will agree that He wants to interact and intervene in our affairs, but this is where our ideas and hopes of communicating with Him take an unexpected turn.

It’s common to hear the old saying, “my door is always open” from those who want to make themselves available to us, and it could not be any more true than with God Himself. His presence is always with us and He is always listening.

The question would be if we are listening? The Bible says that he who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit has to say.” This would imply those who have a desire to hear. Have you noticed that straining your spiritual ears to hear God’s voice is very difficult?

It seems that everything in the world will try to distract us which allows us to see a glimpse of spiritual warfare. For those who are seeking God’s direction, I encourage you to add fasting to help bring power and clarity to meditation and prayer.

It is common to hear people say, “the Lord told me this and that” and I believe this is wonderful. We know that God lives within those who are born-again and Him communicating with us is a central part of our personal relationship with Him. Allow me to include the closer we are to Him the better chance we will have to hear His still small voice.

People have different perceptions of God, as some imagine a person sitting on a throne dressed in white who looks like Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings series. There are flashes of lightning all around Him and His voice sounds like layers of thunder. Others picture a younger man like the Jesus in “The Chosen” series who is walking on a dusty road and stops to talk to a group of children. He is kind and soft-spoken, and when you look into His eyes, you become drawn into the depths of His love. Whatever comes to mind when we talk to Him is fine, but the greatest miracle is that we have been given an opportunity to be as close to Him as we want.

Even though we are not able to see Him with our natural eyes, we are joined together with Him in our spirit and mind. How can we hear His instructions if we are not listening? We enjoy engaging with others when we talk to them, but with God, we communicate through faith. Even though we can sense and appreciate His presence, it is still a challenge. I wonder if not being able to see Him is why many times we lose our focus and attention when we pray?

When we consider where we are today in our spiritual journey, we are grateful our Lord knew us from the beginning and had a detailed plan for our destiny. Do we realize how much God loves us? We can never praise Him enough for all that He has done for us. It is always a blessing to remember that we did not find God but He found us.

Christ went to the cross because He knew we were lost, and we worship Him for becoming our Savior and giving us eternal security. In His person, we have found our purpose, and in falling in love with Him we have found the true meaning of life.

Read more about the Christian life and how to order Billy’s new book about miracles and healing at billyhollandministries.com