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LVHN Health Tips: COVID toes

There’s an unusual condition that has cropped up with some minor cases of COVID-19. It’s called COVID toes.

Dr. Steven Schleicher, a dermatologist associated with Lehigh Valley Health Network, explained that the condition was recognized early in the pandemic.

“People were looking down at their feet and seeing their toes turn red, mainly the tips of their toes,” Schleicher said. “Some people thought maybe it was because they were spending more time indoors. Maybe it’s just a normal thing, but it’s not.”

COVID toes is a condition where usually one or more toes, but also fingers sometimes, swell up and become red or discolored. The redness can increase to a point where the digits turn purplish in color.

“Some people complain of itching, mild pain, but the good thing is it’s self-limiting, which means you really don’t have to treat it. It will go away on its own,” Schleicher said.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends using a hydrocortisone cream on the painful or itching areas to relieve the symptoms, and contact a board-certified dermatologist if the symptoms get worse.

“At the very beginning of COVID, I had two or three patients that had hives,” Schleicher said, then he read that other doctors were seeing it, too. “COVID can trigger hives. It can trigger a bunch of other rashes, as well, anywhere on the body.”

According to the AAD, these rashes can vary widely. They can be patchy, sometimes large patches with several smaller ones. Sometimes the rashes are itchy bumps or hives. Other times, it is blistering like chickenpox.

The rash can also be consist of round, pinpoint spots on the skin, or a lacelike pattern, or even flat spots and raised bumps that join together. Some people have developed a small amount of pus under the skin.

“Unlike many other illnesses, there is no single COVID-19 rash,” the AAD stated on its website.

The AAD said the rash can look like a condition called chilblains or pernio, which can be painful and occurs when people get chilled due to repeated exposure to cold but not freezing air.

“Chilblains causes the skin on your toes, other parts of your feet, fingers or other affected areas to burn and itch. Some people see their skin swell and turn red or dark blue. A severe case of chilblains can cause sores or blisters,” the AAD stated.

Schleicher said the good news is that COVID toes and the rashes usually only occur in people with mild cases of COVID and typically only last a couple days to a couple weeks. Some people, though, have had it for a few months.

“What we think is happening is that the immune system is fighting off COVID, but at the same time it affects the blood vessels in the toes and feet,” he said. “That’s why they become red.”

The color changes are not permanent, Schleicher said.

The AAD encourages anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and has developed a rash to ask his or her doctor to submit information to the American Academy of Dermatology’s COVID-19 registry. This can help doctors learn more about COVID-19 and the symptoms.

“It’s super important for people to get vaccinated and get the booster shot,” Schleicher said. “We don’t want any new skin findings with COVID. We want it to just go away and go away soon.”

An image supplied by Dr. Steven Schleicher of COVID toes.
Feet are an important part of the body and doctors have seen an unusual condition with the COVID-19 pandemic that they now refer to as COVID toes. METROGRAPHICS