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West Penn Township Supervisors

West Penn Township supervisors took the following action on Monday:

• Hired Timothy Phillips as full-time road crew laborer, at the rate of $22.13 an hour.

• Hired Salvatore DiGilio as full-time road crew laborer, at the rate of $22.13 an hour.

• On a 2-0 vote, with an abstention from Supervisor Tim Houser, agreed to follow Tamaqua Area School District’s closing for recycling during inclement weather hours as follows: 7 a.m. to noon Monday and Tuesday; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday; 4 p.m. to dusk Thursday and Friday.

• Adopted a resolution for the road department cellphone policy.

• Adopted a resolution establishing compensation of $40 cash for each member of the property maintenance appeals board.

• Added board Chairman Tony Prudenti to the dental and vision plan.

• Announced that Municibid started, and that if anyone is interested in the 1998 Mack Tandem Dump Truck or the 2013 Ford Taurus Interceptor, bids close by Feb. 20.

• Agreed to sell the township’s 12-foot snow plow on the 1998 dump truck to Walker Township in the amount of $500.

- Terry Ahner