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Local roundup: Results from Jan. 26

The Marian girls’ basketball team posted another victory on Wednesday, while the Panther Valley boys found success from beyond the arc to score a big win.


Brandywine Heights-Marian

Marian pushed its winning streak to seven games with a 33-28 non-league win over Brandywine Heights.

Ashley Pleban scored 10 points to lead the Fillies (12-3 overall). Kerrigan Digris added nine points.

Aubrey Benner posted 10 points for the Bullets.


Savitz 5-2-3-12, Fenstermacher 0-0-0-0, Daubert 0-0-0-0, Moyer 1-0-0-3, Potteiger 0-1-2-1, Wartzeruft 1-0-0-2, Benner 4-1-2-10. TOTALS: 11-4-7-28.


Minchoff 0-0-0-0, Walsh 1-2-2-4, Pleban 3-1-4-10, Martinelli 0-5-7-5, Digris 3-0-0-9, F. Tikhtova 1-1-2-3, Lombardo 0-0-0-0, Corrado 1-0-0-2. TOTALS: 9-9-15-33.

Brandywine 8 4 9 7 – 28

Marian 6 9 9 9 – 33

Three-pointers: BH – Moyer 1, Benner 1; Marian – Pleban 3, Digris 3.

Panther Valley-EEACS

Executive Education Academy Charter School rolled to a 62-18 non-league win over Panther Valley.

Shaylynn Waiters finished with a game-high 17 points for the Raptors (9-4), while Aubrey Pollard netted 15 points.

Sera Robin recorded nine points for the Panthers (1-14).


Krapf 0-0-0-0, N. Vermillion 0-0-0-0, Robin 3-0-0-9, Eidle 0-0-0-0, Maynard 1-0-0-3, A. Vermillion 2-0-0-4, Yuricheck 1-0-0-2, McAndrew 0-0-0-0. TOTALS: 7-0-0-18.


Riggins 3-0-0-6, Madrid 4-1-3-9, Pollard 7-1-2-15, Waiters 6-4-4-17, Carey 4-0-0-9, Betty 2-0-0-4, Urena 0-0-0-0, Moore 0-0-0-0, Martinez 1-0-0-2. TOTALS: 27-6-9-62.

Panther Valley 2 13 3 0 – 18

EEACS 23 19 7 13 – 62

Three-pointers: PV – Robin 3, Maynard 1; EEACS – Waiters 1, Carey 1.

Mahanoy Area-Tamaqua

Mahanoy Area posted a 55-30 non-league win over Tamaqua.

Allyson Babinsky finished with a game-high 16 points for the Golden Bears (10-4).

Lorelei Plasha paced the Blue Raiders (6-9) with eight points.


Fetco 0-0-0-0, Babinsky 7-0-2-16, Roberts 0-0-0-0, Wiekrykas 0-0-0-0, Kane 1-0-0-2, Moss 2-0-0-5, Kessock 1-2-2-5, Hasara 5-3-6-15, Cavenas 3-0-0-8, Bowels 0-0-0-0, Kennedy 2-0-0-4. TOTALS: 21-5-10-55.


K. Robb 0-0-0-0, A. Jones 0-0-0-0, Thomas 0-0-0-0, Fannock 0-0-0-0, S. Plasha 0-0-0-0, S. Jones 2-1-2-5, Meckes 2-2-2-7, G. Robb 1-0-0-2, Wingler 2-0-0-4, Hope 1-0-2-2, L. Plasha 3-2-2-8, Scott 0-2-4-2, Werner 0-0-2-0. TOTALS: 11-7-14-30.

Mahanoy Area 16 10 9 20 – 55

Tamaqua 4 9 9 8 – 30

Three-pointers: MA – Babinsky 2, Hasara 2, Cavenas 2, Moss 1, Kessock 1; Tamaqua – Meckes 1.

Jim Thorpe-Lehighton

Four different players scored in double figures as Jim Thorpe cruised to a 59-30 Schuylkill League victory over Lehighton.

Skyler Searfoss netted a game-high 16 points for the Olympians (14-1, 9-0). Olivia Smelas followed with 14 points, while Leah Snisky and Mackenzie Yuhas contributed 13 and 12 points, respectively.

Hailey Miller posted 10 points for the Tribe (8-7; 3-6).


L. Snisky 4-4-4-13, Cinicola 0-0-0-0, Hartman 0-0-0-0, B. Snisky 0-0-0-0, Ginopolas 0-0-0-0, H. Smelas 0-0-0-0, Wainwright 0-0-0-0, Hurley 1-2-2-4, Searfoss 6-1-2-16, O. Smelas 6-2-2-14, Robinson 0-0-0-0, Yuhas 5-1-2-12. TOTALS: 22-10-12-59.


Barthol 0-0-0-0, McHugh 1-2-4-4, Haley 0-1-2-1, Williams 1-1-1-3, Wehr 0-0-0-0, Miller 4-2-5-10, Bowman 1-0-2-2, Wojton 1-0-0-2, Fisher 3-0-0-8, Hauser 0-0-0-0. TOTALS: 11-6-14-30.

Jim Thorpe 15 20 17 7 – 59

Lehighton 14 7 6 3 – 30

Three-pointers: JT – Searfoss 3, L. Snisky 1, Yuhas 1; Lehighton – Fisher 2.


Panther Valley-RCCS

Panther Valley utilized the long ball in a 69-68 non-league victory over Roberto Clemente Charter School.

The Panthers (10-6) drained 12 three-pointers on the night, with Chase Weaver hitting five treys to finish with a team-high 29 points. He also added five assists. Michael Pascoe recorded a double-double, as he finished with 15 points and 10 rebounds, while Bradley Hood added 12 points.

Christian Ceballos hadf 32 points for the Pirates (7-6).


Kokinda 2-2-2-8, Weaver 9-6-7-29, Orsulak 1-0-0-3, B. Hood 4-0-0-12, Jones 0-0-0-0, Pascoe 5-5-10-15, Hadley 1-0-0-2, Turner 0-0-0-0, Gioda 0-0-0-0, Gardiner 0-0-0-0. TOTALS: 22-13-19-69.


Dixon 4-0-0-10, Fortunes 1-0-0-2, Zayas 7-0-0-17, Ceballos 10-9-11-32, Torres 2-0-0-5, Mendez 0-0-0-0, Rodriguez 0-0-0-0. TOTALS: 25-9-11-68.

Panther Valley 14 17 11 17 – 69

RCCS 13 12 19 15 – 68

Three-pointers: PV – Weaver 5, B. Hood 4, Kokinda 2, Orsulak 1; RCCS – Zayas 3, Ceballos 3, Dixon 2, Torres 1.


Lourdes rolled to a 53-23 non-league win over Weatherly.

Shaune Potter led the Red Raiders with 14 points.

Frankie Willis had nine points to lead the Wreckers (1-10).


Potter 5-3-4-14, C. Sandri 0-1-2-1, Hughes 4-0-0-10, Baronoski 0-0-0-0, Lamonica 1-0-0-3, Reiprish 6-0-0-12, Novack 2-2-2-7, Bradley 0-0-0-0, Feudale 0-0-0-0, Keer 2-2-2-6, Kodack 0-0-0-0. TOTALS: 20-8-10-53.


Eubanks 1-0-0-2, Maguschak 0-5-8-5, Hoffman 0-0-0-0, McLaurin 2-1-2-5, Berger 0-0-0-0, Willis 4-0-0-9, Broskoskie 1-0-0-2, Puzzetti 0-0-0-0, Mitchell 0-0-0-0. TOTALS: 8-6-10-23.

Lourdes 18 15 13 7 - 53

Weatherly 2 6 11 4 - 23

Three-pointers: Lourdes - Hughes 2, Potter 1, Lamonica 1, Novack 1. Weatherly - Willis 1.


Pine Grove-Lehighton

It was the heavyweights that came up big for Lehighton in a 49-24 Schuylkill League win over Pine Grove.

The Indians gained momentum with a few forfeits before Deven Armbruster (189) and Gauge Hartney (215) scored back-to-back pins to help the hosts come out on top.

Lehighton 49, Pine Grove 24

106 – Jacob Hall (L) won by forfeit; 113 – Jeremiah Wetzel (PG) pinned Andrew Versuk in 0:47; 120 – Aidan Gruber (L) major dec. Austin Martin, 14-3; 126 – Aidan Geist (PG) won by forfeit; 132 – Ashton Owens (PG) won by forfeit; 138 – Cade Schneck (PG) pinned Jacob Ferguson in 2:52; 145 – Lukas Ferguson (L) won by forfeit; 152 – Ethan Barachie (L) dec. William Ulsh, 8-2; 160 – Ethan Buchert (L) won by forfeit; 172 – Nolan Stein (L) won by forfeit; 189 – Deven Armbruster (L) pinned Aaron Crumrine in 3:12; 215 – Gauge Hartney (L) pinned Bryce Shollenberger in 0:29; 285

– Richard Houser (L) won by forfeit.

Northern Lehigh-Palmerton

Palmerton made the most of its bonus points to post a 39-21 Colonial League win over Northern Lehigh.

The Bombers capitalized on four straight forfeits, and got pins from Josh Merkel (120) and Daniel Lucykanish (160) to secure the victory.

Trey Dieter had a pin at 106 pounds for the Bulldogs.

Palmerton 39, Northern Lehigh 21

106 – Trey Dieter (NL) pinned Kellen Trotter in 3:40; 113 – Double Forfeit; 120 – Josh Merkel (P) pinned Cody Mazzocca in 2:23; 126 – Austin Rex (NL) dec. Dillon Lombardi, 1-0; 132 – Gretchen Schaible (P) won by forfeit; 138 – Derek King (P) won by forfeit; 145 – Caleb Gaffney (P) won by forfeit; 152 – Dennis Lombardi (P) won by forfeit; 160 – Daniel Lucykanish (P) pinned Bailey Smith in 2:26; 172 – Jeremy Mooney (P) dec. Chase Moffit, 7-6; 189 – Jack Tosh (NL) dec. Colyn Mertz; 215 – Matt Frame (NL) won by forfeit; 285

– Sam Frame (NL) dec. Matt Garey-Hendricks, 3-0.


Catasauqua came away with a 42-29 win over Northwestern in a Colonial League match.

After exchanging the lead three times – which included the Tigers holding a 29-24 lead at one time – it was the Roughies that rattled off three straight pins to end the match.

Dalton Clymer (152) and Nathan Peters (189) posted pins for the Tigers.

Catasauqua 42, Northwestern 29

138 – Gavin Fehr (C) pinned Eli Dellicker in 1:12; 145 – Jaryn Hartranft (C) won by forfeit; 152 – Dalton Clymer (NW) pinned Miles Melendez in 1:13; 160 – Mason Brensinger (NW) won by forfeit; 172 – Lucas Miller (NW) tech fall Christian Fye in 4:47, 17-2; 189 – Nathan Peters (NW) pinned Luis Del Rosario in 3:32; 215 – Noah Schlofer (NW) dec. Chad Beller, 8-2; 285 – Elijah Johri (NW) dec. Stewart Oakley, 2-0; 106 – Caroline Rodriguez (C) won by forfeit; 113 – Mikhail Hartranft (C) won by forfeit; 120 – Carlos Cruz (C) pinned Josie Wehr in 2:39; 126 – Jonathan Cordon-Pinto (C) pinned Jon Conti in 0:44; 132

– Cole Brown (C) pinned Thomas Schneck in 0:37.

Easton-Pleasant Valley

Easton rolled to a 64-6 Eastern Pennsylvania Conference over Pleasant Valley.

James Syracuse posted a pin in under a minute against Brady Correll at 189 pounds for the Bears.

Easton 64, Pleasant Valley 6

126 – Oliver Fairchild (E) major dec. Everett Lata, 12-2; 132 – Shae Linegar (E) major dec. Aldin Vukel, 10-2; 138 – Nolan Krazer (E) dec. Josh Griffith, 7-2; 145 – Lebron Simms (E) pinned Thomas Lovito in 2:40; 152 – James Geiger (E) won by forfeit; 160 – Jayden Hazzard (E) pinned Aaron Nonnemaker in 0:50; 172 – Giovani Macario (E) pinned Samuel Martin in 1:36; 189 – James Syracuse (PV) pinned Brady Correll in 0:46; 215 – Ty;er Cocciolillo (E) pinned Jason Schubert in 1:39; 285 – Matthew Cruise (E) pinned Andrew Mihalichko in 1:34; 106 – Christopher Kelly (E) won by forfeit; 113 – Brendan Bowman (E) tech fall Aiden McCabe in 4:26, 15-0; 120

– Benjamin Fanelli (E) won by forfeit.


Pottsville won four of the final five matches to claim a 40-31 Schuylkill League win over Tamaqua.

Matt Hedrick (152), Jacob Hehn (160) and Cole Eberts (172) recorded back-to-back-to-back pins to start the match for the Blue Raiders before the Tide answered with three straight pins to tie it at 18-18. Tamaqua got a forfeit and a decision from Gabe Erbe at 113 to go ahead 27-18 before Pottsville rallied.

Jacob Schlier recorded a major decision at 138 pounds for the Blue Raiders.

Pottsville 40, Tamaqua 31

152 – Matt Hedrick (T) pinned Blake Bender in 1:30; 160 – Jacob Hehn (T) pinned John Borrell in 1:51; 172 – Cole Eberts (T) pinned Charlie Schuster in 2:27; 189 – Bryce Shappell (P) pinned John Buday in 1:35; 215 – Mark Ritschel (P) pinned Jason Walker in 0:23; 285 – Grant Lapachinsky (P) pinned Anthony DeBellis in 0:54; 106 – Aiden Schlier (T) won by forfeit; 113 – Gabe Erbe (T) dec. Cole Wagner, 5-1; 120 – Connor Demcher (P) pinned Brody Boyce in 0:42; 126 – Dalton Monger (P) pinned Chase Zeigenfuss in 0:18; 132 – Luke Sterns (P) major dec. Zaidyn Walker, 11-1; 138 – Jacob Schlier (T) major dec. Jayden Coulson, 9-0; 145

– Parrish McFarland (P) won by forfeit.


8TH Grade


Lehighton rolled to a 48-16 win over Weatherly.

Olivia Serfoss had 26 points for the Tribe, while Leah Uyvarl added 11.

Kelly Reiner (nine) and DeAnna Pugh (seven) led the Wreckers in scoring.

Tamaqua-Panther Vy.

Hannah Ackerman and Lauren Ligenza each scored eight points for Tamaqua in a 36-17 win over Panther Valley.

Morgan Orsulak was the leading Panthers scorer with seven points.

7TH Grade


Weatherly picked up a 36-17 win over Lehighton.

DeAnna Pugh’s 22 points paced the Wreckers. Bria Gordick recorded 10 points.

Mackenzie Ferber had six points for the Indians.

Tamaqua-Panther Vy.

Lucy Kocha’s 18-point game led to a 29-18 Panther Valley victory over Tamaqua.

Callie Kosciolek added seven points for the Panthers.

Lauren Ligenza and the Stellfox twins all scored six points for Tamaqua.


8TH Grade

Pine Grove-Weatherly

Jacob Tom scored a game-high 30 points in a 55-46 Weatherly victory over Pine Grove.

Corbin Wagner added 12 points for the Wreckers (8-3).

7TH Grade

Pine Grove-Weatherly

Aiden Buck scored 16 points in a 39-32 Weatherly loss to Pine Grove.

Austin Rex of Northern Lehigh (top) has control of Palmerton's Dillon Lombardi in their 126-pound match. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS