Tamaqua borough council receives recreation grants
The borough of Tamaqua has received two grants from the John E. Morgan Foundation for improvements to three area recreation sites.
The first grant is a five-year challenge grant in the amount of $1.65 million for improvements to the H.D. Buehler Memorial Pool.
“It’s a desperately needed challenge match grant,” said Chairwoman Mary Linkevich, “so we can apply to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for a grant. This also challenges the community if anyone wants to make donations, that will make our grant application stronger.”
The second grant is for $85,250 for improvements to the North and Middle Ward Playground.
“I would like to see, and we would work on this as a committee with the Recreation Committee,” Linkevich explained, “we would like really nice fencing, tree trimming, a nice sign that people can see from Route 309, new swings, mulch, sand, a lot of things that we need.”
Council passed motions to adopt resolutions for both grants.
Jeffrey Post
At the Monday council meeting, following the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, a moment of silence was held in honor of Jeffrey H. Post, who passed away over the weekend.
Post, a veteran of the U.S. Navy, worked for the Borough of Tamaqua for 27 years, working as a water treatment operator and supervisor for the borough. Jeffrey is survived by his wife, Beth; their children, Ashley R. Post; Laura R. Ingraham, wife of Nicholas; Tyler J. Post; and Jordan J. Post.
A funeral is scheduled for 11 a.m. Thursday at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Orwigsburg, with a viewing from 9 a.m. prior to the funeral.
In other business
At Monday’s meeting, Tamaqua Borough Council made the following votes:
• David Mace was appointed to the open position on the Tamaqua Zoning Board.
• John Komisak was reappointed to the Employees Pension Committee.
• Ann Marie Calabrese, director of Community Development, made a request and a motion was made to draft a resolution closing out the Swimming Pool Feasibility Study Grant.
• Chairman Brian Connely presented the Public Safety Report. Connely made a motion to approve a request to send Patrolman Karl Harig to a three-day “Institute for Law Enforcement Education” course in Berks County at no cost; and a motion to set the hourly pay rate for part-time police officers at $20 per hour to start, $22 per hour for officers with over 1,000 hours of service and $25 per hour for officers with over 5,000 hours of service. Council passed both motions.
• For the Finance, Wage, & Salary Committee, Chairman Ron Bowman made two motions: To hire Robert J. Filloy as a full-time street maintenance worker at a pay rate of $24 per hour, and to hire Stephen J. Surotchak as a full-time water distribution worker at a pay rate of $24 per hour. Both motions were passed by borough council.
• In the Neighborhoods, Downtown & Historic District Committee Report, Councilman Jay Hollenback Jr. made motions to approve three certificates of appropriateness for renovation of the facade at 209 W. Broad St., for replacement of an existing sign at 41 N. Railroad St., and for installation of business signs at 301 W. Broad St.
• The Tamaqua Fire Department submitted its report for December 2021. The fire department responded to 24 incidents including six hazmat issues, three box alarms, and three moving vehicle accidents. They also offered five mutual aid events in Lansford, Walker Township and Ryan Township.
Chief James R. Connely also provided a 2021 year end fire report. For the entire year, they had 288 total responses, 14 incidents with reportable loss, and the total fire losses for 2021 were $440,000.
“I know our volunteer firefighters are busy,” Councilwoman Kathy Kunkel observed, “but, the number of hours these men and women put in last year, 27,318.65 hours, volunteer hours, that’s just amazing! It boggles my mind that these people are still willing to do this. So kudos to every firefighter in town.”
Council President Brian Connely added, “I’d like to also say that the majority of these hours are based on fundraising and training; thank God, not for fires.”